WIC and YPC Present: Mentorship and Reverse Mentorship – What We Can Learn from Each Other | AIChE

WIC and YPC Present: Mentorship and Reverse Mentorship – What We Can Learn from Each Other



Hamdan, I., The Dow Chemical Company

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” — John Crosby. Throughout our careers, we will benefit from being mentors as well as mentees. Join us for an enlightening discussion on the importance of mentoring, leverage effective ways to ensure a lasting and valuable mentor-mentee relationship, and explore the concept of reverse mentoring as a means to empowering an organization and bridging the generational gap. Our panel session features a diverse set of panelists from various industries and career stages who will provide their perspective on the value of mentoring and share how their career has been influenced by mentoring.


9:00 AM


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