(187b) Technology Impact on Process Safety through the Cloud | AIChE

(187b) Technology Impact on Process Safety through the Cloud

For oil and gas operators, process safety management (PSM) continues to be a major concern and whenever encountered with challenges, the solutions demanded prompt and well defined process and dedicated resource pool to mitigate the risk to their people and their assets. Over the past decade, advancements in integrated technology have flowed at an accelerated pace. The emerging cloud technological advancements provide oil and gas industry with solutions to some of its most critical processes.

Database driven asset management systems, pressure relief analysis and a well-defined management of change process in a holistic environment with access to all the right stakeholders, have contributed in reducing the risk management challenges for the industry.

This presentation will discuss the technology trends in the area of asset integrity, pressure relief analysis and management of change that facilitates to utilize data pertaining to process safety management (PSM) elements in a more meaningful way. The paper will present the process life cycle around the cloud technologies and will briefly talk about the positive impacts with some case studies.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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