(45c) A Structured Data Collection Approach to Improve Pressure Relief Analysis (PRA) Efficiency and Keep Process Safety Information (PSI) Documentation Ever-Greening | AIChE

(45c) A Structured Data Collection Approach to Improve Pressure Relief Analysis (PRA) Efficiency and Keep Process Safety Information (PSI) Documentation Ever-Greening


Quality and availability of Process Safety Information (PSI) directly determine how complete the PRA (pressure relief analysis) is. Essential data required for different types of equipment may vary for PRA study. Lack of structured data collection process will bring inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and additional costs to the project. Additionally, some facilities may not have an organized and complete PSI documentation due to different reasons such as facility age, missing of critical information, or improper management of change process.

This presentation will provide a structured data collection process by defining the typical critical data for different types of equipment, organizing a data matrix and hierarchy, validating the scope of PRA, and optimizing the field verification process. Furthermore, in the event of lack of critical data, engineering judgement and assumptions are proposed to evaluate conservatively the relief systems adequacy. These methodologies and the PRA results will also help keeping ever-green and reconciled PSI information.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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