(49a) The PSM-Road Map, the Technical Tool to Implement Rbps | AIChE

(49a) The PSM-Road Map, the Technical Tool to Implement Rbps


The PSM-Road Map, the technical tool to implement RBPS

Many organizations continue to be challenged by the inadequate performance of the management system, resource constraints and stagnant results of process security. The most common problems encountered when implementing the RBPS are:

  • If it is not a legal requirement, we do not do it!
  • The company's resources are disproportionately focused on personal safety.
  • Given the injuries the workers are decreasing the administration assumes that this also indicates that the risk of process safety incidents must also be decreasing.
  • Process safety management was developed by and for large companies. Small companies often do not have the capacity to implement similar systems.
  • Process safety management was implemented as a separate and independent system that was not integrated into the overall management system of the organization.
  • There are no consistent and widely recognized measurement systems available for process safety.
  • Implementation and audit costs are high and audits have focused on the symptoms of the problems; they have not been able to identify the underlying causes.

All these problems have happened to some degree in the companies. If left unchecked, they can cause more than stagnation, they can leave organizations liable to lose their focus on process safety, resulting in a serious decline in the performance of process safety or a loss of emphasis on achieving excellence in process safety.

To facilitate the promotion of PSM excellence and continuous improvement in all process industries, the PSM-RoadMap tool was developed, consisting of the following parts:

  • A flow chart that refers to the RBPS implementation process in 5 stages: definition of expectations, evaluation, compliance development and compliance control.
  • A spreadsheet with a 203 expectations questionnaire to elaborate the baseline from which to start with the implementation or to evaluate the status of the old or current PSM RBPS system.
  • 20 spreadsheets, each developed for each of the 20 RBPS elements defined by CCPS. More than 316 key strategies are identified; the 628 specific activities that will be carried out, giving a repertoire of more than 320 KPI to measure the performance of each activity; more than 303 improvement actions and finally more than 205 activities that the management would apply to strengthen each element. All this was developed after an exhaustive study of the CCPS book: Safety of risk-based processes and the other bibliography provided by CCPS and AiCHE.

As a Key Principle, each part of the RBPS elements, which is often generic for all elements, was analyzed due to the nature of how the management systems are defined in these Guidelines. For example, almost all elements include a key principle called maintaining a reliable practice, which is extended to essential features and work activities that help ensure that appropriate actions are taken to provide the required level of reliability for activities related to the particular element.

In conjunction with the uncertainty of the economic conditions of the world market that resulted in higher prices of raw materials, competition and a new increase in pressure on operating margins.

These competitive and market forces caused large losses, unless operating scenarios are created with conditions that require effective asset performance strategies to achieve world class operations with continuous improvement in Process Security.

The RBPS system can cover all process safety problems for all operations involving the manufacture, use, storage or handling of hazardous substances or energy. However, each organization must determine which physical areas and phases of the process life cycle should be included in their formal management systems, based on their own levels of risk tolerance, available resources and safety culture of the process.

The immediate benefits are: PSM RoadMap ... the best self-managed tool for the step-by-step implementation of RBPS in process safety management.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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