(54bl) Functional Safety Lifecycle Software - Why Industry Needs Them and the Benefits They Bring | AIChE

(54bl) Functional Safety Lifecycle Software - Why Industry Needs Them and the Benefits They Bring

2018 Global Congress on Process Safety

Functional Safety Lifecycle Software – Why industry needs them and the benefits they bring

David Hansen, CFSE

Global Functional Safety Expert

Mangan Software Solutions

Process industry functional safety concepts have been applied for decades now. Though these concepts are elegant and logical, process industries continue to struggle to apply them effectively and efficiently. Organizations have had disappointing results in attempting to provide those most responsible for risk access to understandable process risk information, breaking down organizational silos, assuring resources are allocated where the risks are greatest, ensuring functional safety protection layer design quality and consistency, managing changes, managing the large amounts of data involved in process safety management and feeding real world performance back into the risk analysis and design.

This presentation will discuss common functional safety and process safety barriers to success with real world examples and how functional safety lifecycle software can be used to overcome those barriers.

David Hansen biography

David Hansen is a Global Functional Safety Expert with Mangan Software Solutions. David has over 30 years of process industry experience in both operations and projects with a focus on functional safety. David's experience includes functional safety planning and leadership for some of the world's largest energy projects. He has also spent many years supporting automation and functional safety related operations and maintenance activities.