(54ck) The VOCs Emission Source Intensity and Safety Protection Distance Analysis of Urban Refinery Based on Quantitative Risk Analysis | AIChE

(54ck) The VOCs Emission Source Intensity and Safety Protection Distance Analysis of Urban Refinery Based on Quantitative Risk Analysis


Jiang, X. - Presenter, SINOPEC Research Institute of Safety Engineering
With the "urban refinery" problem becoming increasingly prominent, the identification of VOCs emission source of urban refinery has been the problem to be solved mostly. The main reasons are reflected in. Firstly, the gas composition of different units as point sources within a refinery plant vary significantly; Secondly, the proliferation of smoke by different plants of the urban area as non-homogeneous source has been some non-uniform gas mixture, which make it challenging recognizing the formation of the smoke and is difficult to define the source of harmful gases and pollution contribution rate. In addition to the widely used monitoring methods, we combined with the wind tunnel experiment and numerical simulation technology to confirm the model coefficient, and established more universal and quantitative emission source intensity analysis model, with the goal to form a suitable assessment technology for domestic "urban refinery "VOCs emissions problem, as well as to provide scientific data support for the complete sets of environmental and security solution programs.


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