(54dj) The Research of Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology in Preventing Fire Explosions in Petrochemical Enterprise | AIChE

(54dj) The Research of Infrared Thermal Imaging Technology in Preventing Fire Explosions in Petrochemical Enterprise


Peng, G. - Presenter, Petrochina Liaoyang Petrochemical company Safety and Environmental Department
Most of the raw material, intermediate and product of petrochemical enterprise are flammable, explosive, toxic and corrosive substances; many different kinds of equipment, units spread relatively concentrated. During petrochemical producing process there are high probability of fire explosions and other accidents, mass death and casualty. It might cause many chain reaction if fire or explosion happens, the risk is high, with high loss. As many equipment on site are covered by insulation layer, it is difficult by traditional equipment checking or manual inspecting to find out hidden danger inside. This might cause hidden danger could not be troubleshoot for very long time and even worse, some might lead to big loss at last. Infrared thermal imaging detection technology is a new effectively detecting technology, with the advantages of remote detection, image is intuitive, detection area is large, high sensitivity and high resolution, etc. It is very important in preventing fire explosion. By studying present situation of production and the application of Infrared thermal imaging detection technology, to find a way that can prevent fire explosion reasonably in petrochemical enterprise.


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