(54dl) Study on Safety Performance of Nitrogen Sealing in Internal Floating Roof Tank | AIChE

(54dl) Study on Safety Performance of Nitrogen Sealing in Internal Floating Roof Tank


Wu, Z. - Presenter, CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology
Li, J., CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology
Nitrogen sealing technology used in internal floating roof tank is a common means of VOC treatment. The internal floating roof tank adopts nitrogen sealing technology, which reduces the breathing loss, guarantees the quality of oil storage, and reduces the possibility of fire and explosion caused by oil and gas accumulation. However, the safety problems caused by nitrogen sealing technology are rarely considered, which may occur in practical applications, especially the design of nitrogen sealing ventilation volume. In this paper, nitrogen sealing system should consider the ventilation volume under various working conditions and other safety problems.



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