(54dm) Safety Control in Test Process of Coal Chemical Plant | AIChE

(54dm) Safety Control in Test Process of Coal Chemical Plant


Yang, Z. - Presenter, Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group
Wang, Z., Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group
Sun, Y., Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group
Ding, Y., Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group
Wang, P., Shenhua Ningxia Coal Industry Group
In recent years, some areas in our country relying on abundant coal resources, have launched coal chemical projects. While solving the energy shortage in the traditional petrochemical industry, coal chemical industry also conceals many potential safety hazards due to its long production process and complicated equipment, which can easily lead to accidents and seriously affect the safety of its production and the personal safety of related personnel, especially in the process of device test, which is the stage frequent accidents occur. Accordingly, we should attach importance to and implement the safety management of coal chemical production to improve the safety control in the process of trial production, reduce the safety risk and improve the production efficiency, laying a solid material foundation for the social and economic development of our country. This paper mainly expounds the software and hardware investment, the construction of safety management system, the analysis of unsafe factors, the establishment of the system, the identification of risks, the management of hidden dangers and the establishment of the emergency system in the process of trial running, and explores the new ideas and new direction of safety control and management in the process of commissioning of the coal chemical industry.


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