(71a) “We Have That Covered”: The Ten Most Common Mistakes in Pilot Plant and Laboratory Hazard Analysis | AIChE

(71a) “We Have That Covered”: The Ten Most Common Mistakes in Pilot Plant and Laboratory Hazard Analysis


Palluzi, R. - Presenter, Richard P Palluzi LLC
“We Have that Covered”:

The Ten Most Common Mistakes in Pilot Plant and Laboratory Hazard Analysis

Richard Palluzi PE, CSP

Richard P Palluzi LLC

72 Summit Drive, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

rpalluzi@verizon.net, 908-285-3782

Effective hazard analysis and risk assessment is always difficult in any situation. It is especially difficult in a research environment such as for pilot plants and laboratory operations. This paper will present the top ten problems the author has encountered in his 40 years of experience in this area. These include:

  1. Failure to develop detailed credible scenarios
  2. Not accepting the full potential for human error
  3. Failure to thoroughly evaluate systems and controls as fail safe
  4. Considering dependent failures as independent
  5. Incomplete information on all the materials involved and their properties
  6. Tacitly assuming the proposed work is a trivial risk
  7. Approaching the review in too unstructured a manner
  8. Assuming that more reviewers equates to a better review
  9. Not recognizing something as a change
  10. Willingness to compromise on unworkable solutions

The presentation will highlight each area and suggest some potential corrective actions.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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