(83a) Digitalization in the Process Industries – How and Where to Implement | AIChE

(83a) Digitalization in the Process Industries – How and Where to Implement


Digitalization… It’s THE buzz word in the industry. But what is it? And how can you go about implementing digitalization in your plant and achieve the benefits that it promises? The goals of the presentation are to provide attendees with an overview of digitalization, including the expected benefits, and explain some practical examples of how it can be implemented. Specific focus will be on the vast array of field devices in your plant that include an increasing amount of intelligence and methods you can use to capitalize on the information they provide from the following perspectives… engineering, operations, and maintenance. Also discussed will be ways to use digital fieldbus technology to provide effective communications between smart field devices and the process automation system.

Specific questions to be answered include…

  • What is digitalization and what are the benefits?

  • What information is available and how can it be effectively transmitted?

  • How can I use this information to more productively operate and maintain my plant?

  • How can this technology be used to more efficiently engineer my automation system?


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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