(97a) Process Safety Management in Sinopec | AIChE

(97a) Process Safety Management in Sinopec


Wang, Y. Sr. - Presenter, Department of Safety Supervision, SINOPEC
Li, F., Department of Safety Supervision, SINOPEC
Xu, W., SINOPEC Research Institute of Safety Engineering
As the largest Oil Refinery Company and the second largest chemical company in the world, China Petrochemical Corporation (SINOPEC) was also involved in multiple fire and explosion accidents last decade. To prevent those serious accidents with unaccepted consequence from happening again, the philosophy and principles of risk-based PSM has been implemented in HSE management system in SINOPEC. Requirements of 14 PSM elements, such as Leadership & Culture, Risk Management, Employee Participation, Operational Procedure, Performance Improvement and Quantified Audit will be introduced in this presentation. After several years’ practice, most of the petro-chemical installation has accepted PSM system and has made it routine. In the future, SINOPEC will continue to develop more elements and practical tools to make the petrochemical plants safer.



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