(98c) Catalytic Processesprocess Safety Requirements | AIChE

(98c) Catalytic Processesprocess Safety Requirements


“On June 3, 2014, two major explosions and subsequently a fire occurred at a SM/PO plant in the Netherlands.
The investigation report showed that the root cause of the incident was an unexpected reaction of the catalyst with ethylbenzene.
This reaction happened during the commissioning phase of the in-situ activation of the catalyst.
This explosion has been a trigger to review the commissioning and start up procedures to see if a similar incident could happen on one of our plants.

The results of a review (inclusive other catalyst related incidents) will be shown and used as a basis for Q&A.”

PS Presentation was shown and well received in the EEPC conference in Dresden (Oct. 2017)


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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