Research on Factors and Control Measures of Safety Distance Optimization in Petrochemical Enterprises | AIChE

Research on Factors and Control Measures of Safety Distance Optimization in Petrochemical Enterprises


With the urbanization in China, the contradictions of economic, social development and urban security have been gradually realized. In particular, the urban development has been seriously affected and social contradictions have also been intensified by some petrochemical enterprises due to the lack of safety distance. The enterprise safety distance has become the primary problem in the relocation of the petrochemical enterprises. Thus how to scientifically and accurately understand and determine the safety distance of petrochemical enterprises has directly related to the problems whether the enterprise should be relocated or closed. However, at present in China, there is still no any special safety distance standards, causing many problems not well resolved. Based on the conditions of China and experience of the advanced practices from developed countries, the paper puts forward some comprehensive strategies and measures suggestions for the determination of safety distance for petrochemical enterprises. Firstly, Based on the deep research on calculation method and calculation model of risk in petrochemical enterprises, this paper puts forward the method of the combination of laws and regulations and quantitative risk assessment techniques from the investigation of sensitive targets around enterprises, the screening of safety instructions, the calculation of personal risk value and the re-verification of societal risk curve to determine the reasonable safety distance of the sensitive target around the petrochemical enterprises, which provides support for the safety distance. And then there are four major stakeholders including the enterprise, the surrounding development units, the public and the government, several concepts for instance the fire and explosion, the risk, the acceptable risk and the external safety and health protection and so on and other factors such as the layout of the enterprise, the type, the quantity, the production and storage conditions, the safety protection facilities and the surrounding sensitive targets of hazardous chemicals considered for the petrochemical enterprises to determine the safety distance. Through the study of the condition and the degree of impact of the above factors, the main factors affecting the safety distance of the petrochemical enterprises have been optimized. Finally, control measures are made to support the relevant work and protect the safety of petrochemical enterprises.