Ticketed Events | AIChE

Ticketed Events

Don't miss out on these great Ticketed Events at the 2018 AIChE Spring Meeting & 14th Global Congress on Process Safety!

Don't miss out on these great Ticketed Events at the 2018 AIChE Spring Meeting & 14th Global Congress on Process Safety!


Sunday, April 22​ # Price
Guest for Opening Reception   $35
Young Professionals Mixer 001 $10
Monday, April 23    
+Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (F&PD) Executive Committee and Awards Dinner 103 $75
Tuesday, April 24    
Fellows Breakfast 202 $36
Ethylene Producer's Conference (EPC) Networking Luncheon 203 $50
Process Development Division (PDD) Dinner 204 $70
*Safety and Health (S&H) Division Dinner 205 $75
Management & Environmental Divisions/Chemical Engineering & The Law Group Dinner 206 $65
Transport and Energy Processes Division (TEP) Dinner 208 $75
Wednesday, April 25    
8th World Congress on Particle Technology Banquet 301 $100

Offsite Event Additional Details

+Transportation not included in price of Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (F&PD) Executive Committee and Awards Dinner ticket.

*Transportation included in price of ticket Safety and Health (S&H) Division Dinner.