Committee Meetings & Events FAQs | AIChE

Committee Meetings & Events FAQs

What you'll find on this page: ...

What you'll find on this page:


  • Friday, February 15, 2019: Deadline to enter new events & edit existing events.
  • Monday, February 18 - Friday, February 22, 2019: Rooms will be assigned during this time. Keep a look out for the email letting you know your venue, room, and food & beverage menu.
  • Friday, March 1, 2019: Deadline to enter food & beverage orders.
  • Monday, February 25, 2019: Full ancillary event list will be posted on the website.

What you need to do to enter in a new event:

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  1. Check to make sure the event was not held last year, if so, alternate instructions are provided below.
  2. Enter a new event here.
  3. Add contact information.
  4. Click on the Setup Event step and enter all necessary information, including A/V needs.
    • If you will be ordering Food & Beverage for this event, you will receive a separate email once the room has been assigned. At that time, you will receive a menu and be able to go back in and update the event with your order.
  5. Select a Date/Time for the event.
  6. Check the confirmation page to review what has been entered.

What you need to do for an event held at Spring/GCPS last year:

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  1. Login using your portal link to see what events you are currently responsible for. You should have received an email including your portal link and event submission instructions. If you do not have your portal link, email
  2. Check the contact information that we have on file for you by clicking on the Contact Information Step.
  3. Click on the Setup Event step and enter all necessary information, including A/V needs.
    • If you will be ordering Food & Beverage for this event, you will receive a separate email once the room has been assigned. At that time, you will receive a menu and be able to go back in and update the event with your order.
  4. Select a Date/Time for the event.
  5. Check the confirmation page to review what has been entered.

If you are no longer the contact person for an event:

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Email to let us know:

  1. The name of the event.
  2. That you are no longer the contact person for the event.
  3. The name and email of the new contact person.

If you need to withdraw an event:

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Email to let us know:

  1. The name of the event.
  2. That the event should be withdrawn.

What you will want to know about logistics:

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  • Venue: Scheduled events will be held at the Orlando World Center Marriott, Orlando, Florida. 

Ordering Food & Beverage:

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  • Food & beverage orders cannot be made until a room has been assigned to the event.
  • Once a room has been assigned to an event, we will be able to provide the associated food & beverage menu for the venue.
  • You will receive a separate email containing the food & beverage menu at the time of scheduling.
  • After you receive this email with the menu, you will be able to go back into the system and update your event with you order.

Ordering Telephone & Internet Connections

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If you need to order any of the following items, please email

  • Speaker Phone / DID
  • High Speed Internet Connection
  • Wireless Internet Connection

Billing Codes:

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  • A billing code is required for all A/V and food & beverage orders. You will not be able to enter an order without a billing code.
  • If you do not know your billing code: contact your division or forum treasurer, or division or forum staff liaison. Staff liaisons will be able to get your code from AIChE Accounting.

Where will the Spring Meeting and GCPS Committee Meetings/Events List be available?

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  1. On the Spring Meeting website, in the online technical program (look for Committee Meetings/Events).
  2. On the Spring Meeting website, a pdf will be available in early March. 
  3. In the 2019 AIChE Spring Meeting and 15th GCPS App.
  4. Printed versions will be available at onsite registration at the Spring Meeting.