Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session & Reception | AIChE

Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session & Reception

This year the 2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety at New Orleans will hold an inaugural “Meet the Industry Candidates” Poster Session and Reception. The program will occur on the evening of Monday, April 1, 2019.

Poster Submission Guidelines for the Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session

The Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session Call for Posters is closed.

The following information is required when submitting a poster:

  1. Author Name(s)
  2. Presenting Author Contact Information: Email, Phone Number, Address
  3. Presenting Author Biography (maximum 150 words)
  4. Title of Poster and Abstract Text (maximum 400 words)
  5. Draft Poster PDF

2019 Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session

This year the 2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety at New Orleans will hold the inaugural Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session and Reception.  An analog to the Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session held at the AIChE Annual Meeting, the Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session and Reception has been piloted for the last two years at the Southwest Process Technology Conference and will provide an excellent opportunity for graduate students to showcase their research to industrial attendees, talent scouts, and recruiters who regularly attend the AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety.

Scheduled to take place from 5:00pm to 7:00pm on Monday, April 1, 2019, the Meet the Industry Candidates Poster Session and Reception will be held in the conference exhibit area in conjunction with the Spring Poster Session & Reception. This will provide an optimal platform for networking and exposure to participants in AIChE’s premier industrial conference.

There will be a call for abstracts for this session.  A technical committee will evaluate and finalize a maximum of 45 posters that will be presented at this session.  Limitation on the maximum number of posters is due to space limitations.

Presenting authors for this session are limited to graduate students only.  AIChE and EBPC may expand scope to undergraduate students who will be graduating within 6 months.  Nominees who are either professors or other undergraduate students will be not be accepted.  However, they can participate in the regular poster session.  Each poster is limited to only one presenting author but the poster may have coauthors.

Topics for the posters are limited to the topics/sessions that are part of the Spring Meeting.  Please note that the Spring Meeting is an industry focused conference.  As a result, the expectation is all posters will have industry relevance.  Further, the industry relevance of the abstract submission will be a major consideration for the posters selected to participate in the poster reception.  The subject areas are:

  • Catalysis and Reaction Engineering
  • Chemical Process Technology
  • Distillation/Separations
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Ethylene Process Technology
  • Fouling and Corrosion
  • IIoT and Industry 4.0
  • Petroleum Refining Technology
  • Process Intensification
  • Process Safety
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Thermodynamics and Process Simulation

The session will only require each graduate student to provide a poster.  We DO NOT require formal papers.  We will provide an on-line set of post-conference proceedings, which can consist of a PDF of the poster provided at the conference, subject to permission from the authors.  Each poster selected will be provided a Release Form that can be filled out to provide permission to include the poster in the proceedings and archived on the AIChE website.

2019 Spring Timeline

Call for Posters Closes February 8, 2019
Acceptance/Rejection Notices Distributed March 1, 2019
Author Confirmation & Resume Submission Deadline March 15, 2019
Present at the Meet the Industry Candidate Poster Session April 1, 2019

Creating a Good Abstract/Poster

Abstract Tips

  • Don't include much scientific text.
  • Break things down into categories that employers can sift through easily.
  • The word limit is 1,500 words.

We recommend that you do not format the poster like a regular AIChE submission, but instead make it an advertisement of yourself as a candidate.  We also recommend that during discussion with people interested in your poster, be prepared to talk more than just your research project, but also  give an overview of who you are and what you are capable of / what your experiences are / what you bring to a potential employer.

Poster Tips

You'll want to abide by all the marketing rules of advertising. In other words, you want something that grabs attention of the employers passing by and quickly (remember they might spend just a few seconds passing by your poster).

The key components of a good poster include:

1.  A Catchy & Descriptive Title

The title should be easy to understand. It should also include your current affiliation and your boss's name.

2.  Large & Pretty Images

Many people make the mistake of treating this as a science poster with lots of data and equations. Make it more enticing.

3.  Be creative!

The format is completely free, so you can do with it what you want. 

Think about making it interactive - We have seen some people hanging tablets on their posters. If you have some interesting samples you want to show, that is fine too. Some people attach their papers and resumes just in case someone is super-interested in their work. Finally, don't forget your business cards! This will help in case you aren't present at your poster.


[flickr-photoset:id=72157704504288582, size=y, sort=random, heading=none]

See photos on Flickr.