(144b) Don't Worry!! Laboratory Safety Is Fun Do, Let's Play a Mobile Game :) | AIChE

(144b) Don't Worry!! Laboratory Safety Is Fun Do, Let's Play a Mobile Game :)


Desai Dholakiya, N. - Presenter, The University of Pardubice
This paper aims to establish relationship of chemical laboratory safety with Mobile Serious Games (MSG) using Kolb’s Experimental Learning Theory (ELT). A type of MSG is underway of designing, for laboratory safety at the Institute of Energetic Materials at the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Pardubice University (CZ). This application is principally directing a group of players as senior laboratory staff as well as senior students, who after a period of time feel either over confidence or ignorant towards safety rules. It is believed that some challenging features of MSG would make safety learning precisely interesting. Three different levels of game would be based on level of difficulty of following safety rules in laboratory. i.e., level one is about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), level two highlights one of the hazardous nitration reactions, while level three would be designed for correlating safety engineering theories for lab accident. It is believed from previous work by the author to give more importance of safety learning rather focusing on training seasons. With this concept in mind, second half of this paper would argue how constructivism and learning theories is believed to be suitable options while correlating safety with MSG. Whereas Kolb’s ELT offers four stages of learning; a) concrete experience b) reflective observation c) Abstract conceptualization and d) active experimentation. Which means a learner/player would enter from concrete experience stage of learning cycle to complete learning process to gain knowledge of laboratory safety.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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