(54x) Asset Integrity and Reliability with Ageing Infrastructure - Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later!
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
Global Congress on Process Safety
Electronic Poster Session - Grand Salon Kiosk
Monday, April 1, 2019 - 6:28pm to 6:34pm
This paper will examine, based on industry research and benchmarking, how ageing infrastructure currently affects operational efficiency in process manufacturing operations, the challenges faced by executives in the process manufacturing sector with managing infrastructure upgrades and investments, and tools and strategies that can be utilized to evaluate and assess infrastructure integrity and reliability; subsequently mitigating process safety risks. Both short-term and long-term asset integrity and reliability strategies will be presented. The paper will detail risk based management systems and infrastructure risk assessment techniques that can be utilized to assist companies in making complex decisions associated with categorizing infrastructure upgrades and mitigating the process safety risks associated with ageing processes and equipment.