(55an) Process Safety at Offshore Aerodromes (Helidecks)New Application for Process Safety | AIChE

(55an) Process Safety at Offshore Aerodromes (Helidecks)New Application for Process Safety


Offshore air transport is an importance activate of the oil & gas industry. In this way, the management of air operations is essential for maintaining the safety and reliability. The present work has the objectives of divulging the methods used by
Petrobras to audit maritime units with helideck and to demonstrate the contribution of such methods to the safety of process in the air operations. To achieve these objectives, the paper was based on the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) publication "Guidelines for the Safety of Risk-Based Processes", and aims to share the Bow tie methodology for the qualitative analyzes of risks inherent in Air Operations, focusing on the barriers typically faced by oil and gas industry, in order to contribute to the process by providing a graphical and structured approach to the required barriers, both to avoid catastrophic consequences and to prevent events recognized as precursors.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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