(55be) Chemical Process Safety Requirements of the Fire Code | AIChE

(55be) Chemical Process Safety Requirements of the Fire Code


Chemical Process Safety Requirements of the Fire Code

When most Chemical Process Safety professionals think about regulation and enforcement, they think about the applicable OSHA and EPA regulations. However, the majority of US states adopt NFPA 1 or the International Fire Code (IFC) as their state fire code which contain requirements for chemical process safety. These requirements are applicable for processes of all sizes and levels of complexity below PSM and RMP thresholds and they address both fire and non-fire chemical hazards. These requirements are enforced by municipal or state fire officials/marshals, who are becoming more aware of these requirements and chemical process safety in general. This presentation will review some of the code verbiage with a focus on requirements that may be overlooked in the industry.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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