(55cd) Site-Wide Asset Integrity Analytics & Benchmarking | AIChE

(55cd) Site-Wide Asset Integrity Analytics & Benchmarking

All too often, reliability engineers focus on the equipment that is deemed as most critical or covered by some regulatory reference, while sometimes forgetting about those areas where something as simple as water can cause major issues. Non-destructive testing technicians and API inspectors alike can help facilities gather and compile data to perform predictive analytics and even benchmark sites with similar assets. This data can be used to identify assets where others may be seeing issues. This also allows facilities to compare reliability engineering effectiveness. This presentation will share some sample results of non-destructive testing and inspections of both regulatory required and non-required assets in the fuel ethanol production sector as well as an example of how that data can be assembled and shared across any sector to educate and learn from each other. Afterall, there are no secrets in safety!