(55k) Integrating Process Safety into Process Design from Initial Concept through Start-up | AIChE

(55k) Integrating Process Safety into Process Design from Initial Concept through Start-up


Heil, J. - Presenter, DPS Group Global
Process safety has been around for over 350 years but may easily be overlooked or treated as an afterthought in the design process, often leaving hazard reviews and safety valve considerations to the end of detailed design. In the chemical industry, emphasis on safety is generally in respect to process safety, but in the growing bio-pharmaceutical industry the emphasis is often shifted to product and patient safety. Due to this subtle yet significant shift in focus, it is often challenging for the design team on these projects to secure the necessary project resources to ensure both robust product and process safety in the facility being designed. Leveraging experience from working in the oil and petrochemical industry for over 10 years, an in-depth understanding of the project design cycle, and by asking some simple questions along the way; process safety in design can be assured for even the most challenging projects, without a significant impact on project resources.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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