(55n) Led Your Process Safety Culture, Lead Beyond Hierarchies | AIChE

(55n) Led Your Process Safety Culture, Lead Beyond Hierarchies


The Oil & Gas industry is trying to advance at the next crossroads: “How to achieve that leaders without skills and without training in the management of culture, transform their own culture?"

Our research presents three key ideas that leaders from all over the world

can apply immediately to lead risk management with effectiveness:

frequency, consistency, meaning.

When specific leadership competencies to manage risk have not yet been developed,

Leaders can use this three concepts of easy adoption.

Increasing frequency of interactions with people will allow us to generate safer operations. In full attention economy and contexts of increasing complexity, for risk management, more communication is better communication. But it is not enough to improve the frequency of interactions. That frequency must be accompanied by consistency. The challenge is to achieve possible consistency between what we say and what We do. Leading by example is one of the central keys of risk management. The lack of consistency provides symbolic permissions to normalize deviations. We must maintain a high frequency of face-to-face interactions, but in addition, we must be consistent at every opportunity. And finally, to give meaning to our collaborators. It is necessary to ensure the understanding of risks. Each collaborator need to build his or her own sense of vulnerability and Operational Discipline.

We need workers who operate according to procedures and not adjusted to what the bosses say. This is what meaning allows.