(57i) Using Industry 4.0 to Create a Pathway to Operational Excellence | AIChE

(57i) Using Industry 4.0 to Create a Pathway to Operational Excellence


I think we all recognize there is journey to get to Industry 4.0 or Refining 4.0. How do we get to the smart refinery? The smart refinery includes the Internet of Things, Cloud computing, cyber-physical process, and Analytics. Teradata is working with companies on their journey to smart refineries by helping companies with their analytics through IoT and cloud computing at scale of machine learning algorithms. Teradata is providing companies with access to the power of analytics by combining their sensor data and ERP data at granular detail level to gain insights on how to improve costs and increase gross margin in their reliability and optimization processes. We will discuss the methods we apply to to bridge the OT (Operational Technology) and IT(Information Technology) worlds together to have impacts on maintenance programs, energy optimization, and operations. We will also discuss how data integration around applications, data silos , ERP systems have to helping companies not only gain insights but also have financial impact to the bottom line at scale for multiple refineries.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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