(79e) Results of an Alkylation Debutanizer Revamp with PFMDTM Trays
AIChE Spring Meeting and Global Congress on Process Safety
2019 Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety
Kister Distillation Symposium
Kister Distillation Symposium 2019: Legacy of Professor Rolf Prince: New Frontiers and Innovation in Distillation Trays
Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - 10:20am to 10:50am
High capacity trays have been available for many years. Distillation practitioners understand the unique intricacies of each offering; but many in the industry donât. When applying a high capacity tray device, it is important to understand both their strengths and weaknesses.
On small columns, applying high capacity trays required the practitioner to settle on which variable was more important for their system: capacity or efficiency. Many times to gain efficiency, more standard cross-flow trays were utilized as using a tray with more weir length would reduce efficiency.
The authors will share a case study of a recent application where a Debutanizer tower was revamped from traditional trays to high capacity trays. As the tower rectification section was not as liquid loaded as the stripping section, Parallel Flow MD trays were utilized. Revamp results show that PFMD trays transition the gap between a cross-flow and counter-flow efficiency; without a large loss in efficiency.