Achieving Success in Process Safety, Beyond Compliance II | AIChE

Achieving Success in Process Safety, Beyond Compliance II


Dean, S., ABS Consulting


Goddard, A., Arkema Inc

Complying with government regulations is a minimum expectation. But compliance alone doesn't result in excellence in process safety. A strong process safety culture is essential to effectively manage risk and prevent process safety events. Organizations with strong process safety cultures enforce high standards of process safety performance, maintain a sense of vulnerability, and respond effectively to process safety issues and concerns. Achieving excellence in process safety performances requires the organization to continually improve performance. This session seeks papers that highlight programs that take process safety to the next level. Examples of next level performance include implementation of targeted incident reduction efforts, focusing on process safety competence at the operator level and capitalizing on benchmarking and networking exercises between dissimilar geographies, business units or even companies to compare best practices.



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