Using Process Safety Metrics and Data to Drive Improvement | AIChE

Using Process Safety Metrics and Data to Drive Improvement



The API Recommended Practice 754: Process Safety Performance Indicators has defined a framework for Tier 1 through Tier 4 metrics. This session focuses on how organizations collect and utilize process safety metrics and data aligned to these tiers to improve the performance of a site, a business unit or even an entire corporate entity. The data and metrics can be"lagging", in that the focus is on learning and implementing change based on past incident and near miss data. Or they can be "leading", in that the focus is on indicators that show that a future incident could occur if change is not implemented, such as Mechanical Integrity inspection results, PHA action item closure, and MOC metrics. Preference will be given to papers that can demonstrate how organizations have seen true improvement in performance based on the efforts associated with the metrics tracking and follow-up.



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