22nd Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS) | AIChE

22nd Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS)

The Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS) is one of five parallel sessions that comprise the Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS).  The PPSS conference focus is to provide proven best practices, perspectives, methods and tools that can be readily practiced and provide value to personnel at...

The Process Plant Safety Symposium (PPSS) is one of five parallel sessions that comprise the Global Congress on Process Safety (GCPS).  The PPSS conference focus is to provide proven best practices, perspectives, methods and tools that can be readily practiced and provide value to personnel at the plant level.

2020 PPSS Chairs 

16th GCPS Program Grid

Papers are selected by session chairs based on an abstract of 100-200 words. The abstract must offer a brief account of the contents, conclusions, and the relevance to the topic area. Submitted abstracts must include the author, their affiliation, full address, email, and phone number. The papers will be published in the GCPS proceedings.  

Encouraged topics for this conference include:

PPSS Chair

  • Jerry Forest, PPSS_chair@aiche.org

Session Topic Descriptions:

Leading indicators to prevent process safety incidents

This session will explore leading indicators used, and correlations with lagging incident data.  Case studies are encouraged that show data driven strategies and actual improvement.

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Effective management review for continuous improvement

Management review is a process safety element in the Learn From Experience pillar.  This session seeks papers on effective management review practices and how the reviews are conducted to improve process safety performance. 

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Preventing LOPCs from piping systems

The AFPM Advancing Process Safety Group has identified that a significant number of LOPCs have causes related to piping systems and small bore piping.  This session seeks papers related to effective practices in monitoring pipe systems and preventing process safety incidents. 

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People as safeguards

Rigorous systems are usually in place to ensure the availability of engineered controls to prevent process safety incidents.  Do we apply the same rigor to ensure administrative controls are equally available?   This session seeks papers that detail efforts on engaging employees for continuous improvement and ensuring that administrative controls work as intended when put in place during HIRA.

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Training the next generation of operators

As the demographic of operators becomes bi-modal with a large number approaching retirement and a new generation of early career operators entering the workforce, are our training techniques keeping pace with how the next generation learns?  This session seeks papers on using technology to train operators, and using training geared towards the learning styles of the next generation.

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Operational readiness for return to serviced equipment

This session seeks best practices for commissioning and operational readiness for returning equipment to service from maintenance.

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Tier 3 performance indicators that prevent process safety incidents

Seeking papers that illustrate practices and case studies showing that effective Tier 3 performance indicators are leading and prevent process safety incidents.  An emphasis on choosing and maintaining safety critical equipment and safety critical variables as is preferred. 

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“I just didn’t think” – Improving situational awareness

Interviews from incident investigations often surface that employees just didn’t think.  This session will explore practical ideas to improve situational awareness with employees to prevent process safety incidents.

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Cyber Security: You will be assimilated.  Resistance if futile

This session will accept topics related to process safety and cyber security with an emphasis on cyber PHA methodology.

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LOPA in action: protection layer integrity management

This session seeks papers on preventing the illusion of protection with integrated management systems.  Topics include translating safeguards and independent protection layers from the PHA to mechanical integrity program, operator training, standard operating procedures and emergency drills.

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GCPS Joint Session: Case Histories

Reviews of process safety incidents provide valuable learning opportunities.  This session invites papers to help understand the causes and lessons learned from incidents in the industry with an emphasis on events that have helped define and develop the process safety field over the years.  

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