2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th GCPS Short Courses | AIChE

2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th GCPS Short Courses

The 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th Global Congress on Process Safety short courses will be held on Sunday, March 12, 2023, from 9 AM - 5 PM Central Time. 

You can register for any of these short courses by selecting the course title during the 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting and 19th GCPS Online Registration process or call customer service at 1.800.242.4363 to add the courses to your registration.

If you need a certificate of development hours for the short course you attended, Please contact customer service at Email certificates@aiche.org after the conference to request your CEU/PDH certificate. after you completed the short course. 

S1: Driving Your Company’s Process Safety Transformation: Essential Skills for Process Safety Professionals

Location:  Hilton Americas - Houston , 336A

Price: $500

Instructor: Scott Berger & Kenan Stevick

Book: No Book 


If you are like most senior process safety professionals, you reached your position through operational experience, technical expertise, and a deep personal commitment to process safety. And like most of your peers, you now look at your company’s Tier 1 – Tier 4 metrics and are less than satisfied, frustrated with the struggle to get the financial, capital, personnel resources, and, most importantly, active leadership support needed to make the needed improvements to drive performance.

CCPS’s recent book, Process Safety Leadership from the Boardroom to the Frontline, details the importance of active and direct leadership at all levels, especially at the senior executive and senior and mid-level in operations, in achieving process safety excellence. But how can you as a senior process safety professional convince senior leaders to fulfill these roles? How do you set them up for success? What is your role in this transformation? And how can you succeed in this new structure?

In this one-day workshop, we will help you develop a strategy to drive the needed change in your organization’s leaders as you transform from being the process safety expert to the process safety advocate.

Workshop Agenda and Structure

To get the most out of the workshop, we will provide registrants with a pre-workshop checklist of information they should collect and bring with them to get the most out of the day. After introducing each topic, we will facilitate individual work, group discussion, and role-playing. Topics will include:

  • Introductions
  • Challenges and stakeholder analysis
  • Making the Business Case for Process Safety
  • Risk, risk perception, and risk communication
  • Developing vision, goals, objectives, plans, budgets, and resources
  • Identifying weaknesses and key improvement opportunities
  • Building allies and strengthening communications
  • Having difficult conversations
  • Other topics as identified by participants

S3: Understanding Human Factors 

Location: 336B

Price: $500

Instructor: William G. Bridges (Bill); Revonda Tew (Process Improvement Institute (PII))

Book: No Book 

Human error is widely acknowledged as the major cause of quality, production, and safety risks in many industries.  This course explains the underlying reasons why humans make mistakes and how you can prevent these mistakes with engineering solutions and with administrative solutions. Although it is unlikely that human error will ever be completely prevented, there is growing recognition that many human performance problems stem from a failure within organizations to develop an effective policy for managing human reliability.

The course will provide hands-on experience of practical error reduction techniques, using real-life case studies. You will also gain an understanding of the underlying causes of human error and how to reduce its occurrence by changing the culture of the organization and changing the design of the processes. Workshops are used throughout the course to illustrate concepts and to demonstrate human error analysis applications.

What You Will Learn:

•   Why human error is a factor in all accidents

•   Why humans make mistakes

•   The lower bounds possible when reducing baseline human error rates and when reducing dependent human error probability

•   Proven  error  prevention  techniques  –  engineering  features  or  options  to  reduce  or compensate for human error and administrative ways to reduce human error probability

•   How to analyze & identify human errors and the conditions and situations that cause them

Take Home:

•   Comprehensive course notebook containing

-  Checklists and worksheets for several human error analysis techniques

-  Industry examples

•   Certificate of Completion

•   0.7 CEUs & 0.7 COCs

Typical Course Candidates:

•   Managers - Operations, Safety, and Executive; and Production Supervisors

•   Training Managers

•   Engineers - Process, Safety, and Mechanical

•   PSM Coordinators and Managers

•   PHA (hazard review) Leaders and Incident Investigators

Course Outline

Day 1 (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) Introduction to Human Error

  • Learning objectives and goals of human error prevention
  • What is human error and human error analysis?

Understanding Human Error:

  • Errors and their relationship to loss events
  • Which is most important: Management system deficiencies or personal behavior?
  • Types of human error
  • ​​​​​​Workshop: Classifying Human Errors
  • Modeling human behavior (an example of a simple model that works is used throughout the course)  
  • Elements associated with understanding and controlling human error 
  • Workshop: Relating Human Error to Human Factor Influences

HUMAN FACTORS and How to Optimize These

  • Information Presentation Rules (procedures, trainers, communication, signs, etc.)
  • Process/Operation/Workplace  Design Rules
  • Other General Rules
  • Exercises

Overview of Techniques for Predicting and Analyzing Human Error

  • Checklist Analysis: For situational and for management system-related errors
  • Guideword-based analysis (HAZOP, Job Hazard Analysis, etc.)
  • Quantitative Human Reliability Analysis
  • Workshop: Using Simple Techniques for Predicting and Analyzing Human Errors


  • What controls human behavior (T-H-O theory and analysis)
  • Implementation strategies for controlling undesired behaviors

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations called in at 800.242.4363 or emailed to customerservice@aiche.org no later than ((2 weeks prior to meeting start date)), 11:59pm ET will receive a full refund less $50 in processing charges. After ((2 weeks prior to meeting start date)) no full registration refunds will be given. If you registered but are unable to attend, AIChE will accept a substitute with a $50 processing fee.