Ticketed Events | AIChE

Ticketed Events

Don't miss out on these great Ticketed Events at the 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th Global Congress on Process Safety!

Don't miss out on these great Ticketed Events at the 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th Global Congress on Process Safety!


Saturday, March 11 and Sunday, March 12

Time Price
Two-Day Risk Analysis Screening Tool (RAST) Workshop 9AM-5PM

$1000 mem

$1250 non-mem

Sunday, March 12

Young Professionals (YP) Mixer 8PM-10PM $20

Monday, March 13

Fuels and Petrochemicals Division (F&PD) Executive Committee Networking and Awards Dinner TBD TBD
Kister Distillation Symposium Dinner 6:30PM-9PM $60

Tuesday, March 14

Fellows Breakfast 7AM-9AM $45
Women in Chemical Engineering (WIC) Breakfast 8AM-9:30AM $15
Ethylene Producer's Conference (EPC) Networking Luncheon 12PM-2PM $60
Process Development Division (PDD) Dinner 6:30PM-10:30PM $65
Safety and Health (S&H) Division Evening Event 6PM-9PM $85
Management & Environmental Divisions/Chemical Engineering & The Law Group Dinner 7PM-9PM $75