Career Workshops | AIChE

We are pleased to announce the Workshop Schedule for the 2023 Annual Student Conference. This year's program has been organized into 7 subject tracks to help students decide which sessions they would like to attend.

Please find information on each of the workshops below.

  • Track I: Beginning & Building a Career
  • Track II: Leadership & Life Skills
  • Track III: Learning Never Stops
  • Track IV: Unconventional & Up and Coming
  • Track V: ChemEs Can Do Anything
  • Track VI: Graduate Program Partner Insights
  • Track VII: Industry Partner Insights

Make sure to not miss: The AIChE Board of Directors will be hosting a special Town Hall event, which will take place from 10:00am-10:45am before the Saturday Workshops. All are welcome to attend. More information available here.

Track I: Beginning & Building a Career

10:50am - 11:35am: A Day in the Life of…

Presented by: Young Professional Community (YPC)

This session will feature a panel of ChemE’s from the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) who are currently pursuing a variety of different career paths, from graduate school to industry to government jobs. Panelists will discuss what a typical day looks like in their current roles, career decisions they made to get there, uncertainties they pushed through, and pros and cons of different careers. This panel will provide a great overview of many different career options for ChemE’s. Panelists will also discuss how AIChE engagement after graduation helps in their unique career path. 

General syllabus for workshop:

This workshop will feature numerous YP’s in various job positions. This session is aimed towards undergraduate looking for an overview of many different ChemE careers. Furthermore, this session can be easily adapted to a virtual format if need be.

One of the society-wide goals of AIChE is to add new members and increase member retention. This session will also focus on how AIChE can help students prepare for job applications and succeed once they start in their first career.

11:45am - 12:30pm: Starting Your First Plant Position in Industry

Presented by: Young Professional Community (YPC) 

What do employers look for in a recent college graduate? How can you prepare to ace your industry interviews? What does the typical day of an engineer look like in plant position? How can you make the most of your internship experiences to propel you into a full-time job? How can AIChE help you land a job and excel in your first few years out of college? Join the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) in a discussion on preparing to apply for plant jobs and excel in your first position. YPC members will also discuss what they wish they knew when starting their first jobs. The session will feature recent-graduate young professional engineers from various companies talking about their experiences and giving advice on making the transition from college to career.

General syllabus for workshop:

This workshop will feature numerous YP’s in plant positions. This session has been very successful in the past, as numerous students attending the AIChE conference are interested in plant jobs. Furthermore, this session can be easily adapted to a virtual format if need be.

One of the society-wide goals of AIChE is to add new members and increase member retention. This session will also focus on how AIChE can help students prepare for job applications and succeed once they start in their first career.

2:40pm - 3:25pm: It's Not Bragging: The Art of Self-Promotion in the Job Search and Career Plan

Presented by: Alaina Levine, Quantum Success Solutions, LLC

Self-promotion is not bragging- as long as you share truthful information about how you can help another party, at the appropriate time and place. In this session, we will discuss the necessity of self-promotion and how to do it effectively, professionally, and appropriately across cultures, communities, and sectors. Communicating and promoting your value is an essential component of advancing your career - and advancing the careers and missions of your partners. Learn how to do it the right way!

3:35pm - 4:20pm: Create Your Unicorn Career!

Presented by: Alaina Levine, Quantum Success Solutions, LLC

In this session, we will discuss how to leverage your talents and loves, as well as networking to create a unique, customized career, which we call Your Unicorn Career. A Unicorn Career honors your authenticity and allows you to solve the problems that bring you meaning, use the skills that bring you joy, and get paid! We will address how to understand your unique value, skills and interests and how to align that with employers who will hire you. We will discuss a data-driven and process engineering approach to create opportunities for Your Unicorn Career to come to fruition.

Track II: Leadership & Life Skills

10:50am - 11:35am: The Process Safety Advantage

Presented by: Oliver Light, Careers and Education Committee, Safety & Health Division (Process Safety Division)

This workshop emphasizes the importance of process safety practices as well as the inherent advantage that they have on the chemical manufacturing industry through an interactive presentation in which the audience assumes the role of a project engineer tasked with making a change to process equipment. The audience will assist the presenter in deciding how the engineer should proceed at various points along the project path, culminating in what is hoped to be a successful startup of the process.

11:45am - 12:30pm: Management Careers and the Chemical Engineer

Presented by: Richard D. Siegel, Christina Thomas, Senyo Opong, Mark D. Swientoniewski, and Joseph Cramer, Management Division 

This session will discuss management tracks in industry and academia for chemical engineers. We will discuss job duties, skills required, and typical positions.

2:40pm - 3:25pm: Prioritizing mental health as an engineering student

Presented by: Sarah A. Wilson, University of Kentucky

Research on mental health in engineering students shows that engineering students: 1) feel that they don’t have time to prioritize their mental health, 2) are less likely to seek help for their mental health, 3) feel that they would be more likely to seek help if they received help from a friend or peer and 4) normalize the stress of the engineering training environment (Lipson et al. 2016; Jensen et al. 2023; Jensen and Cross 2021; Wright 2021; Ban et al. 2022). Therefore, this workshop will talk to students about the importance of prioritizing mental health through the coverage of 4 key topic areas: 1) why do engineering students need to prioritize mental health?, 2) the importance of advocating for yourself and your classmates, 3) recognizing normal stress vs. mental health distress and 4) identifying mental health resources on your campus. The workshop will equip students with the skills and knowledge to prioritize their mental health and access mental health resources within their college campus.

3:35pm - 4:20pm: Finances and Your First Job – Financial Planning for ChemE Careers

Presented by: Young Professional Community (YPC)

How do I start saving money? What benefits should I enroll in? How do I start planning for retirement? Join the Young Professionals Committee (YPC) for a discussion on the benefits and rewards of financial planning when starting your first job. This session will feature YPC members in a variety of careers (graduate school, industry, government, etc.) and discuss tips for money management and planning for retirement. YPC members will discuss topics such as investing in 401Ks, budgeting, benefits packages, student debt, and planning for retirement. YPC members will also discuss topics that they wish they knew when starting their first jobs.

General syllabus for workshop:

This workshop will feature numerous YP’s currently in industry positions. This session has been very successful in the past, as numerous students attending the AIChE conference are interested in learning about financial planning as they look towards graduation and entering the workforce. The session will be interactive, leaving ample time for Q&A. Furthermore, this session can be easily adapted to a virtual format if need be.

One of the society-wide goals of AIChE is to add new members and increase member retention. This session will also focus on how AIChE can help students prepare for industry positions and financial planning by advertising for leadership in YPC and potentially divisions and forums. 

Track III: Learning Never Stops

11:45am - 12:30pm: Survive and Advance with Confidence: Navigating the Ph.D. Labyrinth

Presented by: Reginald Rogers, Nanoscale Science and Engineering Forum

A PhD is more than just getting three letters behind your name. It is a journey where you are learning more about yourself as you become an expert in your chosen field of study. However, no two PhD journeys are the same. From Year 1 to Year 5, there will be many crossroads one will encounter before reaching the finish line. Each crossroad may leave you asking: “Is the PhD right for me?” Such a question is common among individuals pursuing the ultimate advanced degree. In this workshop, we will walk through the PhD journey from start to finish. How do you tackle each year of your program? How you negotiate difficult advisors? What do you do when you begin to feel the “PhD Fatigue”? How do you leverage your PhD experience in developing the next phase of your career? The nuts and bolts to tackling a PhD will be the same across the board, but the end result will depend on YOU. This interactive workshop will give you the chance to think about what you need to do in order to be successful and advance to the next level…with confidence!

Learning Outcomes and Take-Aways 

By the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:

1. Understand the complexities of navigating a PhD with a different mindset compared to their undergraduate degree program

2. Write out a plan of action for successfully navigating their PhD journey

3. Discuss, freely, issues they are currently facing in their PhD program and how to overcome those issues

4. Walk away confident in their efforts to complete their PhD with a high level of success

2:40pm - 3:25pm: Beyond the Bachelor's: Mastering Graduate School and Fellowship Applications

Presented by:  Juliana Yang, Young Professional Community (YPC)

Are you an aspiring chemical engineer ready to take the next step in your academic journey? Join us for this informative session where we will dive into the intricacies of applying to graduate school and fellowships. From crafting a compelling personal statement to securing strong letters of recommendation, we will provide you with expert advice and proven strategies to maximize your chances of acceptance. You will also learn about the various funding opportunities available through fellowships and gain valuable insights on how to navigate the application process for them. Whether you're considering a Master's or Ph.D. program, this session will equip you with the tools and knowledge to confidently pursue your academic goals and launch a successful career in chemical engineering.

General syllabus for workshop:

This workshop will feature numerous YP’s either currently in graduate programs or recently graduated. This session has been very successful in the past, as numerous students attending the AIChE conference are interested in pursuing research-based graduate degrees in engineering. The session will be interactive, leaving ample time for Q&A. Furthermore, this session can be easily adapted to a virtual format if need be.

One of the society-wide goals of AIChE is to add new members and increase member retention. This session will also focus on how AIChE can help students prepare for graduate school and succeed once they start to pursue their degree by advertising for graduate-student leadership in YPC and potentially divisions and forums. 

3:35pm - 4:20pm: The Path to Becoming a Licensed Professional Engineer

Presented by: Joseph J. Cramer, William Parrish, and John Wagner, Management Division, Licensing and Professional Development Committee

This presentation discusses how becoming a Professional Engineer (PE) can enhance a chemical engineer’s career. Students learn about the PE licensure process and the two exams required to become licensed. The Computer Based Testing (CBT) exam content for both the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam and Practice of Engineering (PE) exams are described. The presentation utilizes embedded videos of young PEs and stresses the value of taking the FE exam before, or shortly after, graduation. It aims to demystify the FE/PE process. The workshop leaders are Joe Cramer, Bill Parrish and John Wagner who are chemical engineering PE's and active members of the AIChE’s Licensing and Professional Development Committee as well as the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying’s Chemical PE Exam Committee or FE Exam Committee. Joe and Bill have also served on AIChE’s Career and Educational Operating Council which oversees licensing for AIChE. John has been active for many years on the NCEES FE Exam Committee. The workshop encourages Q&A and interaction with attendees. 

Track IV: ChemE Careers: Unconventional & Up and Coming

10:50am - 11:35am: A Day in the Life of a Process Engineer

Presented by: Cynthia Murphy-Ortega, Chevron

What does a Process Engineer do at an energy company? What are some of the daily tasks and challenges that they work on? How do they enable lower carbon operations and support the energy transition? What skills (beyond engineering) do they find most valuable? How have they transitioned from an academic to professional environment? Join Process Engineers from Chevron as they describe their roles, share what they have learned, and explain how they have integrated teamwork, communication, technology, and sustainability into their careers. 

11:45am - 12:30pm: Chemical Engineers in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Presented by: Emily Cunningham, Jingyao Wang, and Stephen Ma, Pharmaceutical Discovery, Development, and Manufacturing Forum

This session is designed to introduce students to the roles chemical engineers play in pharmaceutical discovery, development, and manufacturing. It will feature a brief presentation on the pharma industry followed by Q&A with the panelists. Students are encouraged to bring their questions!

2:40pm - 3:25pm: Green Collar Career Opportunities for Chemical Engineers

Presented by: Yinlun Huang, Kerry E. Kelly, Gerardo Ruiz-Mercado, Richard Siegel, and Tony Wu, Environmental Division

This workshop will engage students in an interactive discussion about challenges, advantages, and opportunities for chemical engineers in the environmental field. A brief overview presentation of opportunities in industry, academia, consulting, and government will be followed by an extensive question and answer session to help the students better understand their potential career options.

3:35pm - 4:20 pm: WISE Internship: An Opportunity to Apply Engineering to Policy in D.C.

Presented by: Dr. Martin Abraham, Courtney Cochran, Aicha Sama, Evan Erickson, and Heather Yuengling, WISE Subcommittee of the PAIC

The Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE) program is a collaboration of several professional engineering societies who select students for a summer internship in Washington D.C.  The interns research and write a public policy paper on a topical engineering-related issue and present them on Capitol Hill.  The interns have remarked on the invaluable experience of learning how to develop a public policy paper, lobby for legislation, and develop a network of contacts that often lead to future endeavors. 

Dr. Martin Abraham, Past Chair of the PAIC and a WISE Mentor, will introduce Aicha Sama, Brown University, Courtney Cochran, Mississippi State Univ., and Evan Erickson, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, who were the 2023 AIChE WISE Summer interns.  The Interns will discuss their experiences as a WISE intern and present a short synopsis of their papers. 

Track V: ChemEs Can Do Anything


Presented by: Richard Grenville, SPX FLOW Mixing Solutions / North American Mixing Forum

Many viscous fluids processed in industry exhibit non-Newtonian rheology.  These industries include paints, personal products such as shampoo and detergents and food products such as ketchup and mayonnaise.  In some cases, the end use properties of the products are highly dependent on their rheologies.  For example, the sensation of eating some foods is partly a result of its texture or “mouth feel” and the of performance of coatings will depend on how they flow when they are applied to a surface. 

In this seminar the measurement of viscosity will be discussed with the interpretation of the data.  Then the application of this information to the design of mixing equipment, where necessary, will be presented.

The power drawn by an impeller operating in the laminar regime is proportional to the viscosity of the fluid (as is pressure drop in laminar pipe flow) but, if the fluid is non-Newtonian, its viscosity will be determined by the shear rate that the impeller imparts to it and this must be taken into account in the sizing to the agitator drive.

Another process where this behavior must be taken into account is the blending of non-Newtonian fluids.  The apparent viscosity of the fluid will be low near the impeller, where velocity gradients are high, and high near the vessel wall where velocity gradients are low and the difference in viscosity in these regions must be accounted for in order to make an accurate estimate of the blend time.

Finally, there is a class of fluids which exhibit a yield stress, meaning that a minimum level of shear must be applied before the fluid will move.  Examples include toothpaste and high solids loading slurries.  The rules used to size mixing equipment for these fluids will also be discussed.

11:45am - 12:30 pm: The World of Particle Technology

Presented by: Ben Freireich, Particle Technology Forum

Billions of pounds of bulk solids are processed and handled every year by the US process industries, yet most chemical engineers are ill-equipped to deal with the complexities of engineering science of solids processing. Hence, plants and products suffer with lost production, inability to achieve design production rates, off-grade or off-specification products. During this session, we will take a look at the fun and exciting world of solids processing. Specifically, we will look at some of the more common particle-based technologies examining both the important role they play in society today along with the associated technical challenges.

2:40pm - 3:25pm: Materials Engineering and Sciences in AIChE

Presented by: Rafael Verduzco and Adrianne Rosales, Materials Engineering and Sciences Division

The MESD workshop will feature speakers across all areas of the Materials and Engineering Sciences Division, including polymers, biomaterials, inorganic materials, electronics and photonics, and composites. Representatives from each area will present representative research to give students an overview of research programs in MESD. Speakers will also present advice to students as they pursue and consider different PhD graduate programs or other career options. After the presentations, speakers will be available for a social “meet and greet” with students. 

3:35pm - 4:20pm: Navigating Dynamic Careers in Catalysis and Reaction Engineering

Presented by: Jesse Bond, Syracuse University 

Panelists will discuss their careers in the fields of catalysis and/or reaction engineering; how the Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division of AICHE has played a role in their careers; and advice on how to navigate a dynamic and fulfilling career in the field. The panel will be designed to engage the audience and provide opportunities for interaction. We held this panel in 2021 and 2022, both times with excellent attendance and participation. We would estimate 75 - 100 students attended in 2022.  We use Slido to allow for real time feedback from the audience, and we generally have ~6 panelists.  Panelists are selected based on diversity in career path and training as well as demographics. The ultimate goal of this workshop is to show the next generation the diverse, current leadership of the CRE division so that they can identify role models within our division and, ideally, choose to become active, lifelong members of the division.

Track VI: Graduate Program Partner Insights

10:50am - 11:35am: Innovations in Materials and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Presented by: Nastassja Lewinski and Tom Roper, Virgina Commonwealth University

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, over half of American hospitals changed patient care or delayed treatment due to drug shortages.  A major cause of drug shortages is attributed to manufacturing quality problems.  VCU Engineering has been investing in the advanced manufacturing space for years, and as a result, has been recognized for its innovation and expertise in pharmaceutical engineering through research and education and the establishment of the Medicines for All Institute (M4ALL) and the Center for Pharmaceutical Sciences and Engineering.  This workshop will discuss the innovative research being conducted to optimize materials and pharmaceutical manufacturing and opportunities to participate in these efforts to improve access to high-quality medications across the globe.

11:45am - 12:30pm: Imperial College London: Your future self is waiting for you

Presented by: Karen Polizzi and Ronny Pini, Imperial College of London

Interested in taking the next step in your career in one of the world’s leading Chemical Engineering Departments? Join us to find out about the postgraduate opportunities offered by the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. Situated at the heart of London, ranked the best student city in the world, Imperial College London is a global institution with a multicultural study environment and a vibrant student community.

The event will include information on:

1.    the 1-year MSc programme in Advanced Chemical Engineering and the Biotechnology, Materials Engineering and Process Systems Engineering streams;

2.    the PhD programme that covers the broad range of research themes hosted by our Department; 

3.    the postgraduate admissions process for MSc and PhD studies;

4.    the scholarship opportunities offered by our Department.

 The event will feature presentations by the MSc course Coordinator, Prof Karen Polizzi, and Postgraduate Admissions Tutor, Dr Ronny Pini, followed by a Q&A session. It is aimed at current undergraduate and MSc students working towards a degree in Chemical Engineering, Materials Engineering, Chemistry, and other related disciplines who are planning to undertake further technical and research training. It will also be relevant to Engineering and Science professionals wishing to develop their technical and research skills and obtain further qualifications. 

2:40pm - 3:25pm: Fund your Ph.D. at The University of Kansas with the Self Graduate Fellowship

Presented by: Daniel A. Rivera, University of Kansas - Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship

Embark on an extraordinary academic journey with the Self Graduate Fellowship at the University of Kansas. This prestigious program offers unparalleled resources, mentorship from renowned faculty, and a dynamic community of fellows. Gain invaluable research experience, access cutting-edge facilities, and pave the way for a successful career. Unleash your potential at KU's Self Graduate Fellowship! 

Track VII: Industry Partner Insights

10:50am - 11:35am: Celanese Sponsored Workshop

More information coming soon!

11:45am - 12:30pm: SLB New Energy:  Accelerating the transition to low carbon energy.

Presented by: Adel Boussadia, SLB

We are SLB, a technology company driving innovation for a balanced planet. We thrive to decarbonize the energy industry and to scale new energy systems. 

Come meet our team and explore opportunities to build your career.

2:40pm - 3:25pm: Engineering Value - The Importance of Creating & Identifying Value in the World of Chemical Engineering

Presented by: Ryan Morrison, Subin Hada, and Anika Nakladal, Evonik Corporation

Are you ready to take your chemical engineering skills to the next level?  The ability to identify and understand the value of various chemical engineering tasks is such an important skill in industry.  Being able to properly justify the benefits of a capital project, process optimization study, or incident investigation can lead to much higher rates of success.  Join us for a seminar on understanding various types of value creation and how to determine the qualitative and/or quantitative value to a company in your chemical engineering work.

3:35pm - 4:20pm: AVEVA Sponsored Workshop

More information coming soon!