Ensuring Electrolyzer Safety: Key Strategies for Decarbonizing Industrial-Scale Hydrogen Production | AIChE

Ensuring Electrolyzer Safety: Key Strategies for Decarbonizing Industrial-Scale Hydrogen Production

Hydrogen electrolysis projects are growing rapidly in both quantity and scale. Demonstration projects are yielding to industrial scale projects with hundreds of megawatts of capacity. While the associated decarbonization benefits are exciting, it is essential to prioritize the safety of operators, communities, and the environment.

Electric Hydrogen takes the stance that safety during this time is paramount and a collaborative effort. Ensuring safety at large electrolysis plants benefits the entire industry by fostering trust with all project stakeholders. Electric Hydrogen has developed a comprehensive safety approach during the development of its 100MW product and wants to expand the discussion of electrolyzer safety by sharing unique risks and mitigation strategies associated with industrial scale electrolysis.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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