Industrial biotech and biomanufacturing could lead to a bioeconomy with up to $4 trillion economy impact, in addition to enable sustainable material and energy options and enhance supply chain resilience. It is critical to establish the bioeconomy infrastructure to allow the technology scale up, reduce the signficant risks on scaling up and commercializing the first kind of technologies, and allow its entry to the market to compete with incumbent existing fossil technologies.
Read more about this session's speakers below and join us for this session on the third day of CIB 2023:
Building the Bioeconomy Infrastructure
10:00-10:30 AM: “High efficiency, low cost bio manufacturing accelerates scale-up and illustrates a path for rapid and scalable infrastructure for the bioeconomy.”
Shannon Hall, CEO and Co-founder, Pow.bio
While biomanufacturing may be one of the most technologically complex industries, the underlying production process, (fed)batch fermentation, has not changed in decades. Currently, most industrial-scale bioreactors are operated as (fed)batch processes. Replacing(fed)batch processes with continuous fermentation increases volumetric productivity, producing more bioproduct per hour and thereby reducing costs. Unit costs at parity when compared to incumbent products is the single largest challenge to bioproduct market penetration and widespread adoption.
Here, we present a two-chamber, high-cell-density continuous fermentation platform that has successfully increased volumetric productivity by 5x. This advanced continuous fermentation platform requires significantly lower (-75%) capital costs to achieve target quantities of product. The transition from traditional fed-batch to continuous fermentation processes is key to delivering the rapidly scaleable and affordable infrastructure required and unit economics required for a thriving bioeconomy.
10:30-11:00 AM: "Scaling-up novel bioprocess technologies at the ABPDU"
Deepti Tanjore, Director, ABPDU
For the past 12 years, the Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Development Unit (ABPDU) has been solving scale-up challenges for many novel technologies from over 75 companies. By generating prototype materials for collaborating companies, the ABPDU has helped put 17 products in market and established itself as a go-to process development and scale-up resource in the United States. We have a very customer-centric environment and meet our collaborators where they are. We also embarked upon many R&D projects to further the "science of scale-up."
11:00-11:30 AM: "Crossing the Valley-of-Death to Large-scale Manufacturing and Commercialization"
Dr. Ajikumar Parayil, CEO, Manus Bio
The future of our industry and the growth of the bio-economy is reliant on more companies making the successful transition from early-stage technologies into scaled, commercialized products. Unfortunately, crossing this valley-of-death remains challenging due to limited access to infrastructure for scale-up and manufacturing coupled with a relatively undeveloped workforce to sustain long-term operations for a burgeoning industry. Here, we will share some of the key lessons learned as we've built out both biomanufacturing infrastructure and talent that has enabled the launch of multiple bio-based products into the market.
11:30AM-12:00 PM: "Bioforge1: Cell-free chemienzymatic manufacturing in support of an advanced bioeconomy"
Sean Hunt, Co-founder and CTO, Solugen
- Check back soon for this abstract!