Shifting Behaviors for Laboratory Sustainability | AIChE

Shifting Behaviors for Laboratory Sustainability


Ruiz, C. - Presenter, My Green Lab
Every day, laboratories worldwide consume vast resources and generate significant waste, contributing to the climate crisis. This presentation delves into the hidden environmental footprint of laboratory practices and explores how impactful behavioral changes can pave the way toward a more sustainable future. It highlights researchers and lab managers' crucial role in advocating for and implementing environmental improvements.

This session will explore practical strategies for reducing waste, conserving energy, and minimizing chemical use in labs, showcasing that sustainability and scientific advancement can go hand in hand. By embracing a culture of sustainability, laboratories not only benefit the planet but also enhance their efficiency and innovation. Through case studies and evidence-based practices, participants will gain insights into actionable steps for integrating sustainability into their operations, ultimately contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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