Technical Program | AIChE

Technical Program

Technical Program for FOODIE 2024

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October 31, 2024 - Day 1

All Pacific Standard Time
8:00 AM 8:45 AM Coffee and Badge Pickup
8:45 AM 9:00 AM 6th FOODIE Conference Introduction
9:00 AM 9:45 AM Ingredients and Formulation Technology

Araceli Olivares, Centro Regional de Estudios en Alimentos Saludables CREAS. Incorporation of Beer Bagasse in Baking to Increase Insoluble Fiber Composition: An Alternative to Revalorization of Agro-Industrial Waste.


Han Liu, Pennsylvania State University, IPREM, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. Novel Soft Food Gels Using Beta-Lactoglobulin Via Enzymatic Crosslinking As Agar Gel Alternatives

9:45 AM 10:15 AM Morning Coffee Break
10:15 AM 11:40 AM Sustainability in the Food Cycle

Ravi Neelakantan, SRI International. Decarbonization of Spray Dried Food Production Using the Filament Extension Atomizer


Grant Ivison-lane, CIBO Technologies. “Bridging the Gap” - Inventory and Project GHG Accounting Are Complimentary in Agriculture


Stiphany Tieu, The Pennsylvania State University. In Situ Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Non-BPA Food Contact Coatings on Electrolytic Tinplate Under Retort Conditions


Ivan Ermanoski, Arizona State University. Fungi, a Staple Crop for a Sustainable Future?

11:40 AM 12:40 PM Lunch
12:40 PM 1:25 PM Innovation in Food Processing

Ji-Young Lee, Northeastern University. Advanced Techniques in Scaling Production of Natural Food Colorants from Tea-Derived Polyphenols


Peter Fryer, University of Birmingham. Measuerment and Simulation of Coffee Roasting Processes in a Spouted Bed

1:25 PM 3:00 PM Lightning Round and Poster Session

Stephen Akpasi, Durban University of Technology. Advanced Technologies for Wastewater Treatment


Julia Felder, Texas A&M University. Development of an Edible Scaffold Formulated from Curdlan and Brewer’s Spent Grain Protein Extract for Cellular Agriculture Applications


Varun Gore, University of California, Davis. Techno-Economic Modelling and Analysis for the Production of Cell Cultured Chocolate


Glenn Longwell, Siemens Digital Industries Software. Advanced Emulsion Simulation – a Mayonnaise Case Study


Thomas Mansell, Iowa State University. Engineered Synbiotics: Exploring Substrate Privilege As a Means of Improving Probiotic Outcomes


Mariana Ortega Ramírez, EarthShift Global. How Life Cycle Assessment Guides New Innovations


Kendra Ramirez, CNYN-UNAM, CICESE. Development of a Biosensor Based on the M13 Bacteriophage for the Detection of Volatile Acidity in Wine


Sandip Singh, The University of Kansas. Isolation of Food Ingredients for Human Nutrition from Inedible Plant Biomass


George Tilton-Low, Stanford University. Engineering Filamentous Fungi for the Valorization of Agricultural Wastes


November 1, 2024 - Day 2

All Pacific Standard Time
8:00 AM 8:30 AM Coffee and Badge Pickup
8:30 AM 9:00 AM Invited Speaker

Noa Weiss, AI & Machine Learning Consultant: AI and the Future of Alternative Protein Development

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9:00 AM 10:25 AM Alternative Proteins

Invited Speaker: Jing Zhao, Associate Professor in Foods and Nutrition, San Diego State University, Consumer Perception and Flavor of Alternative Protein Products


Galo Chuchuca Moran, University of Massachusetts Amherst. From Waste-to-Table: Refining of Pea Whey to a New Protein Ingredient


Yi Zhang, The Pennsylvania State University. Amphiphilic Polypeptides from Chickpea Proteins Via Moderate Enzymatic Hydrolysis


Rui Shi, The Pennsylvania State University. Towards Sustainable Meat Analogues: Life Cycle Assessment of Heme Protein Via Precision Fermentation and Heme-Containing Beef Patty

10:25 AM 10:55 AM Morning Coffee Break
10:55 AM 11:15 AM Sustainability in the Food Cycle 2

Ofer Prinz Setter, Joint BioEnergy Institute, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Circular Manufacturing of Growth Factors for Cultured Meat By Filamentous Fungi

11:15 AM 11:30 AM Conference Wrap Up