Prediction of Particle Interactions in a Spray Dryer Using Drynetics™ | AIChE

Prediction of Particle Interactions in a Spray Dryer Using Drynetics™

Since its recent introduction, Drynetics™ has combined Computational Fluid Dynamics with examination of the drying of a single droplet suspended in a drying gas to predict particle behavior during the spray drying process. Drynetics™ has allowed spray dryers to be more efficient, safer, smaller, of higher capacity, and with fewer operational headaches than in the past.Drynetics™ allows the examination of how individual particles dry and how different drying parameters affect the dried product. Use of the data from Drynetics™ facilitates process and product development without costly and time consuming experimental work in a pilot plant or production spray dryer. Drynetics™ also may enable remote troubleshooting of an existing spray dryer. Use of Drynetics™ may determine if a given feed will dry into hollow spheres, shriveled particles, “doughnut” shapes, etc. while providing insight into design of drying equipment and process parameters for attaining a certain type of particle.