Monday, August 8, 2022
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM |
Registration |
9:15-9:30 AM
Welcome words (co-chairs) |
CRX C307
9:30-10:00 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Effect of Particle Aspect Ratio and Orientation on the Particle-Scale Liquid Spreading in Packed Beds, Aniket Ambekar - CRX C307 |
10:00-10:20 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Effects of the Downcomer Hydrodynamics on the Drift Flux in a Reflux Flotation Cell, Brady Wright - CRX C307 |
10:20-10:40 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Investigation of Gas/Liquid Flow Behavior in a Multiphase Plug Flow Reactor in Peroxone Process for Water Treatment, Yanxia Xu - CRX C307 |
CRX C308
9:30-10:00 AM |
(VIRTUAL) H2 Mass Transfer – Key Factor for Efficient Biological Methanation: Comparison between Pilot-Scale Experimental Data, 1D Model and CFD Model, Vincent Ngu - CRX C308 |
10:00-10:20 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Bubble-induced turbulence in CFD simulation of bubble columns: BIT-SIT coupling, Jiachen Liu - CRX C308 |
10:20-10:40 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Dpm-Vof Simulations of a Bubble Plume Rising in Two Immiscible Liquids, Sayantan Biswas - CRX C308 |
CRX C309
9:30-10:00 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Recent Advances in the Hydrochlorination of Glycerol, Ananias Medina - CRX C309 |
10:00-10:20 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Characterization of Viscous Gas-Liquid & Gas-Liquid-Solid Flows in a Slurry Reactor with Varying Liquid Viscosity, Vimal Kumar - CRX C309 |
10:20-10:40 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Heat Transfer with Single- and Dual-Gas Distribution in a Pressurized Bubble Column, Keon Bae - CRX C309 |
10:40-11:10 AM
Coffee break - CRX C100 Lobby |
CRX C307
11:10-11:30 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Role of Slag Layer in Liquid-Phase Mixing in a Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF): Cold Flow Measurements and Eulerian Multifluid Simulations, Sayantan Biswas - CRX C307 |
11:30-11:50 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Advanced Oxidation Processes at Ambient Conditions for Olive Oil Extraction Industry Wastewater Degradation, Eva Domingues - CRX C307 |
11:50 AM - 12:10 PM |
Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone Used As a Flash Separation Device to Improve Methane Recovery in Hpws for Biogas Upgrading, Eliot Wantz - CRX C307 |
12:10-12:30 PM |
Investigation of Marangoni Convection Near Bubbles Generated at Different Electrodes, Aled Meulenbroek - CRX C307 |
CRX C308
11:10-11:30 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Effect of Particle Shape and Liquid Properties on Local Liquid Distribution in a Trickle Bed, Devesh Saxena - CRX C308 |
11:30-11:50 AM |
(VIRTUAL) A Rational Approach to Design Bioreactors for Large-Scale Plant Cell Cultivations, M. Vidya Muthulakshmi - CRX C308 |
11:50 AM - 12:10 PM |
Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Around a Taylor Bubble during the Formation and Flowing Stage in a Square Flow-Focusing Milli-Channel, Nicolas Dietrich - CRX C308 |
12:10-12:30 PM |
CFD Modeling of Polydispersed Two-Phase Flow Through a Bubble Cap Distributor, Jonathan Totten - CRX C308 |
CRX C309
11:10-11:30 AM |
(VIRTUAL) The Effect of Alcanivorax Borkumensis SK2, a Hydrocarbon-Metabolising Organism, on Gas Holdup in a 4-Phase Bubble Column Bioprocess, Ayman Abufalgha - CRX C309
11:30-11:50 AM |
(VIRTUAL) Wetting Study of a Trickle Bed Reactor, Arvin Tavanaei - CRX C309 |
11:50 AM - 12:10 PM |
(VIRTUAL) Bubble Dynamics and Bubble Interaction Effects on Bubbly Flows with Mass Transfer Using Euler/Lagrange Modeling Approach, Manuel Alejandro Taborda Ceballos - CRX C309 |
12:10-12:30 PM |
An Enhanced Dgd Approach for Estimating Bubble Size Distributions in Microbubble-Aerated Contaminated Systems, Rong Leng - CRX C309 |
12:30-2:00 PM
Lunch - University Centre |
CRX C307
2:00-2:30 PM
Effect of pH on Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in an Oscillatory Flow Reactor, José Antonio Couto Teixeira - CRX C307 |
2:30-2:50 PM |
Ultrasound Resonance to Intensify Gas-Liquid Processes in Microreactors, Simon Kuhn - CRX C307 |
2:50-3:10 PM
Investigation of Hydrogen Bubble Growth in Alkaline Water Electrolysis Using an Immersed Boundary Method, Niels Deen - CRX C307 |
3:10-3:30 PM |
Methanol Synthesis Via CO2 Hydrogenation in a Slurry Reactor Using In2O3-Based Catalysts, Dominic Pjontek - CRX C307 |
CRX C308
2:00-2:30 PM |
Assessment of the Flow Modulation Technique for Measuring Axial Liquid Dispersion Coefficients in Trickle-Bed Reactors, Sara Marchini - CRX C308 |
2:30-2:50 PM |
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Fluidized Bed Drying, Martijn De Munck - CRX C308 |
2:50-3:10 PM |
(VIRTUAL) Numerical Simulation of Bioleaching Pond Reactors Coupling CFD and Heat Balance Modelling, Douglas Pino-Herrera - CRX C308 |
3:10-3:30 PM |
Numerical Studies of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics in Hollow Bubble Columns, Glen Cletus DSouza - CRX C308 |
CRX C309
2:00-2:30 PM |
Analysis of Particle Interaction with Rigid and Mobile Deformed Single Bubbles, Martin Sommerfeld - CRX C309 |
2:30-2:50 PM |
(Virtual) Calculation of Temperature Change (global warming) By Considering the Entire Earth As a Gas-Liquid-Solid (atmosphere-ocean-land, respectively) System, Dimitre Karamanev - CRX C309 |
2:50-3:10 PM |
(VIRTUAL) Hydrodynamic Interaction of a Collection of a Periodic Array of Elliptical Particles in Shear Flow with Limited Mobility, Rahul Venkata Ramaraju - CRX C309 |
3:10-3:30 PM |
Two-Step Fatty Acid Esters Conversion to Cyclic Carbonates Using Heterogeneous Catalyst and Semi-Batch Reactor Technology, Tapio Salmi - CRX C309 |
3:30-4:00 PM |
Coffee break - CRX C100 Lobby |
CRX C307
4:00-4:20 PM
(VIRTUAL) Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of a Continuous Bioreactor with Spiroid, Thomas R. Hanley - CRX307 |
4:20-4:40 PM |
(VIRTUAL) Main Transition Velocities in Bubble Columns Based on a New Reconstruction Method from the Information Entropy Theory, Stoyan Nedeltchev - CRX307 |
4:40-5:00 PM |
(VIRTUAL) Latest Developments in Both Flow Regime Identification and Mass Transfer in Bubble Columns: Review, Stoyan Nedeltchev - CRX307 |
5:00-5:20 PM |
Advancing multiphase absorption-reactive crystallization processes for accelerated carbon transformations and CO2-sourced hydrometallurgy, Greeshma Gadikota - CRX307 |
CRX C308
4:00-4:20 PM |
Networking Break |
4:20-4:40 PM |
Effect of Liquid Surface Tension on Hydrodynamic and Oxygen Mass Transfer in a Square Bubble Column Using LES, Diego R. González Weiberlen - CRX308 |
4:40-5:00 PM |
(VIRTUAL) Two-Phase Dynamics of an Industrial-Scale Distillation Tray Obtained Via Advanced Multiplex Flow Profiler, Vineet Vishwakarma - CRX308 |
5:00-5:20 PM |
Validation of a New Method for Taylor Flow Characterization in a Monolith Using a 84-Channel Resistive Sensor, Murilo Ricardo Do Nascimento Arrais - CRX308 |