Exxonmobil Lower-Emission Fuel Technology | AIChE

Exxonmobil Lower-Emission Fuel Technology

Energy demand for transportation is projected to rise by 30 percent through 2050, and biofuels, hydrogen-based fuels and carbon capture and storage offer lower-emission solutions for hard-to-decarbonize sectors according to ExxonMobil’s 2022 Energy Outlook. ExxonMobil Technology and Engineering Company (“ExxonMobil”) has been researching and developing a range of renewable, lower-emission alternatives to traditional transportation fuels. Here we will present an overview of a selection of the products and process technologies we are evaluating and discuss the challenges and opportunities. For example, our ExxonMobil Renewable Diesel (EMRDTM) process addresses the challenges for deep dewaxing with our BIDWTM catalyst which has been demonstrated to have the highest selectivity of multi-branched isomers. Another example of technology that we are developing is our Methanol-to-Jet (MTJ) technology for potentially converting renewable methanol into Sustainable Aviation Fuel. We also partner with companies, universities, and national labs to enable longer-term technology development spanning from feedstock through process and product. A recent example is our partnership with Toyota which demonstrated the compatibility of lower emission research fuels in existing passenger vehicles. Through these partnerships, ExxonMobil is focused on the fundamental science and engineering of advanced biofuels that are affordable, sustainable, and scalable.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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