Green Hydrogen to Gas (GH2G) Concept According to UN Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals-a Realistic Computational Modelling Based Approach for Chemical Industry | AIChE

Green Hydrogen to Gas (GH2G) Concept According to UN Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals-a Realistic Computational Modelling Based Approach for Chemical Industry


Zaidi, D. S. Z. J. - Presenter, University of Punjab
Asif, H., University of Punjab
Khan, R. U., University of Punjab

The development of sustainable approach is much needed for the 21st century technological solution in heavy chemical industries like petroleum refinery and fertilizer industries for urea production. NH3 is an important chemical specie which served as a raw material for urea production. Around the world NH3 synthesis took place via grey route e.g via methane processing which not only adds carbon footprints in the environment but also a great source of global warming phenomenon. In previous year catastrophic flood hit across Pakistan rural and urban areas which displaced millions of people and cause a loss of billions of $ to economy. This study focused on the computational modelling method for green production of Ammonia gas and is valuable for the stakeholders in order to take descions regarding decreased carbon footprints and adding sustainable growth over the network of heavy Chemical industries in Pakistan. Two important plants including AEC and SOEC are designed which showed efficiency of convertor for allied gases of upto 85% with additional production of excessive energy of 1155GW/Day.