Overview of Solid-Liquid Separation and Process Drying Technologies for Lithium, Battery Materials and Recycling | AIChE

Overview of Solid-Liquid Separation and Process Drying Technologies for Lithium, Battery Materials and Recycling


Perlmutter, B. - Presenter, BHS-Filtration Inc.

As the lithium and battery materials production and recycling increase in scalability, there is a need to understand solid-liquid separation and drying technologies for automated operation, improved efficiencies and reliabilities and safety. At each step, requirements change, and plants must ask critical questions for selecting the optimum technologies for producing high quality materials. In addition, there is a rapid proliferation of technological advances and cross- disciplinary nature of the work worldwide. The operating companies need “Key-Shaped” engineers who have several areas of expertise with varying degrees of depth. Finally, there are increasing time and technology pressures to produce battery grade material from various sources as well as from recycling of production scrap and lithium-ion batteries. This presentation will provide guidance to engineers who are facing critical decisions for selecting process filtration and drying technologies for the various complex steps in battery materials manufacturing and recycling. The information presented will allow engineers to develop creative process solutions to achieve battery grade quality and a reliable and cost-effective operation.