Technical Program for ME15 | AIChE

Technical Program for ME15

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All times listed in SGT

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June 11, 2023 (Sun)

13:30-17:00 Registration and Badge Pick-Up


Opening Remarks


Plenary Talk 1
Session Chair: Christine Santos, Manus Bio
Systems Metabolic Engineering of Bacteria
Sang Yup Lee, KAIST


Lightning Session 1
Session Chair: Hal Alper, The University of Texas at Austin

16:00 Crispri Repression Screens Reveal Tradeoffs between Growth Rate and Robustness in Cyanobacteria in Various Trophic Conditions
Rui Miao, Royal Institute of Technology
16:05 Producing Psychedelic Medicines – the Next Generation of Mental Health Treatment
J. Andrew Jones, Miami University
16:10 Metabolic Pathway Assembly Using Docking Domains from Type I Cis-at Polyketide Synthases
Tian Ma, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology
16:15 Metabolomics-Guided Discovery of Metabolic Design Principles and Engineering Strategies
Junyoung Park, University of California, Los Angeles
16:20 Upgrading Pseudomonas Putida By Systems Metabolic Engineering for Biotechnological Processing of Lignocellulosic Sugars
Pavel Dvorak, Masaryk University




Session 1: Metabolic Engineering for Next-Generation Agrifood
Session Chairs: Anastasia Krivoruchko, Melt&Marble & Claudia Vickers, Queensland University of Technology


Metabolically engineered microbes for a sustainable agri-food industry: From the valorization of waste streams to the synthesis of agrochemicals, food preservatives, and essential nutrients

Christoph Wittmann, Saarland University
17:20 Sustainable Production of Ingredients for Vast Range of Applications with Example of Advances in Microbial Production of Natural Sweeteners
Elena Brevnova, Conagen
17:30 Precision Fermentation for Producing Food Ingredients and Fermented Foods
Yong Su Jin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
17:40 Green Vitamin A: A World’s First Bio-Based Process
Liang Wu, DSM-Firmenich
17:50 Panel Discussion


Rapid Fire Session 1: 1-20


Poster Session 1A & Opening Reception

June 12, 2023 (Mon)

7:30 - 8:30 Registration and Badge Pick-Up


Networking & Coffee


Plenary Talk 2
Session Chair: Guhan Jayaraman, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Substrate-driven control of biosynthetic pathways towards mixed-feed utilization
Kristala Prather, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Session 2: Next-Generation Analytics for Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Tomohisa Hasunuma, Kobe University & Byung Kwan Cho, KAIST


Metabolic Engineering using Microdroplets
Hal Alper, The University of Texas at Austin

9:20 Comamonas Testosteroni As a New Chassis for Lignin and Plastics Valorization
Ludmilla Aristilde, Northwestern University
9:30 Label-Free and High-Throughput Sorting of Metabolic Phenome for Microbial and Mammalian Cell Factories By Flow-Mode Raman-Activated Cell Sorting (FlowRACS)
Jian Xu, Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
9:40 Pinpointing Metabolite Cross Feeding Interactions in Microbial Communities Using a Novel 13C Metabolic Flux Analysis Approach
Maciek Antoniewicz, University of Michigan
9:50 Nonlinear Dynamic Models of Metabolism Derived By AI for Metabolic Engineering Applications
Ljubisa Miskovic, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
10:00 Panel Discussion




Session 3: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Dong Yup Lee, Sungkyunkwan University & Pablo Carbonell, Universitat Politècnica de València

11:05 Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Enhanced Structure Dynamics-Guided Biocatalyst Design
Susie Dai, Texas A&M University

Characterization and Engineering of Microbial Metabolism By Using Bio Big Data and Machine Learning
Hyun Uk Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

11:25 Deep Learning Driven Biosynthetic Pathways Navigation for Natural Products with Bionavi
Ruibo Wu, Sun Yat-sen University
11:35 Bridging Machine Intelligence and Synthetic Biology for Understanding and Engineering of Biological Systems
Aleksej Zelezniak, Chalmers University of Technology
11:45 Panel Discussion


Lunch - Sponsored Workshop Presented by Inscripta: Overcoming the Risks in Synthetic Biology Product Development through Genome Scale Metabolic Engineering, Richard Fox

Lunch Location - Peony Ballroom, Workshop Location: Orchid Ballroom

13:15-14:30 Poster Session 1B


Session 4: Metabolic Engineering for Multi-Cellular Systems
Session Chairs: Zengyi Shao, Iowa State University & Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro, Imperial College London


Animal Free Glycosaminoglycans: biosynthesis of chondroitin sulfate and heparin using metabolic engineering approaches.
Mattheos Koffas, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

14:50 Bacterial Metabolites Essential for Post-Embryonic Development of C. Elegans
Qing Sun, Texas A&M University
15:00 Challenges & Opportunities of Mixotrophic Syntrophic Cocultures Enabling CO2 Fixation to Achieve Transformative Product Yields
Eleftherios Terry Papoutsakis, University of Delaware
15:10 Optimization of Strigolactone-Producing Bacteria-Yeast Consortium
Yanran Li, University of California, Riverside
15:20 Panel Discussion


Lightning Session 2
Session Chair: Hal Alper, The University of Texas at Austin

15:45 Engineering Synthetic Carbon Fixation in Escherichia coli
Sebastian Wenk, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
15:50 Eubacterium Limosum as a Chassis for High-Efficiency Bioproduction from C1 Substrates
Benjamin Woolston, Northeastern University
15:55 Computer-Aided Design and Implementation of Efficient Biosynthetic Pathways to Produce High Added-Value Products Derived from Tyrosine in Escherichia coli
Sofia Ferreira, ITQB-NOVA
16:00 The Biophotovoltaics for Biohydrogen Production Using Sunlight and Water
Bin Lai, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
16:05 Establishing Pichia Pastoris As a Chassis for the Production of Plant Natural Products
Jiazhang Lian, Zhejiang University

Transcription-Associated Molecular Reaction Cascades for Diagnostics and Prototyping

Jeong Wook Lee, POSTECH 




Session 5: Metabolic Engineering for Next-Generation Medicine
Session Chairs: In Young Hwang, Singapore Institute of Technology & Chun Loong Ho, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology

16:50 SynBio-Driven Biosystems Design for the Innovative Bio-industrialization
Zixin Deng, Key Laboratory of Combinatorial Biosynthesis and Drug Discovery, Wuhan University
17:05 Metabolic Engineering for Production of the Drug Candidates Scyllo-Inositol and D-Chiro-Inositol
Michael Bott, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences
17:15 Engineering Strategies for Higher Production of Aromatic Amino Acid Derivatives in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Yunzi Luo, Tianjin University
17:25 An Integrated Technology Platform for Microbial Biosynthesis
Michal Pyc, Willow Biosciences Inc.
17:35 Panel Discussion


Rapid Fire Session 2: 21-40


Poster Session 2A & Reception

June 13, 2023 (Tue)

7:30 - 8:30 Registration and Badge Pick-Up


Networking & Coffee


Greg Stephanopolous Award Lecture: Metabolic Engineering in Future Society
James Liao, 
Academia Sinica


Session 6: Future of Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Kristala Jones Prather, MIT & Sang Yup Lee, KAIST

9:15 New frontiers of Metabolic Engineering
Greg Stephanopoulos, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Innovation Trends in Metabolic Engineering
Jens Nielsen, BioInnovation Institute

9:35 Engineering yeast to synthesize medicinal compounds via an integrated systems approach
Christina Smolke, Stanford University
9:45 New Challenges in Metabolic Engineering and Biofoundry
Akihiko Kondo, Kobe University
9:55 Panel Discussion




Session 7: New-to-Nature Chemistry for Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Pablo Ivan Nikel, Technical University of Denmark & Julius Fredens, National University of Singapore

11:05 Engineering microbial metabolism for new-to-nature chemistry and products
Jay Keasling, University of California, Berkeley
11:20 New Keys to Unlock the Treasure Trove of Microbial Natural Products
Nigel Mouncey, DOE Joint Genome Institute
11:30 Engineering Production of New-to-Nature Terpenoids in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Codruta Ignea, McGill University
11:40 Posttranslational Formation of Cyclophanes in Bacteria
Brandon Morinaka, National University of Singapore
11:50 Panel Discussion


Lunch Workshop Sponsored by Conagen: Synthetic Biology for the Production of Sustainable, Performance Materials and their Applications in Consumer Goods, Casey Lippmeier

Lunch Location - Peony Ballroom, Workshop Location: Orchid Ballroom

13:15-14:30 Poster Session 2B


June 14, 2023 (Wed)
7:30 - 8:30 Registration and Badge Pick-Up


Networking & Coffee


Plenary Talk 3
Session Chair: Pimchai Chaiyen, VISTECH

The Carbon Revolution: Scaling circularity to replace fossil oil 
Michael Koepke, LanzaTech


Session 8: Next-Generation Feedstock for Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Mark Blenner, University of Delaware & Ben Woolston, Northeastern University


Upgrading CO2 to Value-Added Chemicals Via Cell-Free Systems
Pamela Peralta-Yahya, Georgia Institute of Technology


Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks — Elucidating Core Design Principles to Engineer Nonconventional Yeasts and Consortia As Microbial Factories
Zengyi Shao, Iowa State University


Macroalgae Biorefinery: New Opportunity of Metabolic Engineering
Gyoo Yeol Jung, POSTECH

9:35 Engineering Methyltrophic Yeasts As Next-Generation Chassis for Biomanufacturing Chemicals from Methanol
Yongjin Zhou, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics

New Metabolic Engineering Strategies for Producing Oleochemicals in Microbes
Brian Pfleger, University of Wisconsin-Madison

9:55 Panel Disussion




Session 9: Next-Generation Chassis for Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Jens O. Krömer, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research & Jiazhang Lian, Zhejiang University


CRISPR-Cas toolkits for genome scale functional genomics in non-model microbes 
Carrie Eckert, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


The Weizmann Process Revisited for Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuel Production
Philippe Soucaille, Toulouse University

11:30 Gene-Editing and Mining of Novel Gene-Elements in Non-Model Rhodococcus
Huimin Yu, Tsinghua University
11:40 Harnessing Lignocellulolytic Anaerobic Fungi for Metabolic Engineering
Kevin Solomon, University of Delaware
11:50 Computational Biology-Guided Microbial Engineering Empowers Artificial Intelligence-Guided Bioprocess Design to Achieve Record Algal Productivity
Joshua Yuan, Washington University in St. Louis
12:00 Panel Discussion


Lunch & Networking


Session 10: Synthetic Biology for Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Han Li, University of California, Irvine & Aditya Kunjapur, University of Delaware

14:05 Metabolic engineering of yeasts for the production of betalain-type natural colors
Irina Borodina, Technical University of Denmark
14:20 Towards Universal Synthetic Heterotrophy in Baker’s Yeast. or Why to Stop Fighting Cellular Nature with Engineering Goals
Nikhil Nair, Tufts University
14:30 Efficient Production of Various Disubstituted Mycosporine-like Amino Acids, Natural Sunscreen Materials, in Yeasts
Ji-Sook Hahn, Seoul National University
14:40 Next-Generation Tools for Metabolic Engineering
Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro, Imperial College London
14:50 Retrosynthetic Pathway Design and Enzyme Engineering for Cis-α-Irone Biosynthesis
Xixian Chen, Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation, Agency for Science, Technology and Research
15:00 Panel Discussion




Lightning Session 3
Session Chair: Hal Alper, The University of Texas at Austin

16:00 Membrane-Free ATP Production from Electricity
Shanshan Luo, Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology
16:05 How the Biosynthesis of Non-Standard Amino Acids Can Enable New Forms of Vaccines, Antibiotics, and Biological Containment
Aditya Kunjapur, University of Delaware

Biosynthesis of Mushroom-Derived Ganoderic Acids By Engineered Yeast
Han Xiao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

16:15 Complete Biosynthesis of QS-21 in Engineered Yeast
Yuzhong Liu, University of California, Berkeley


ME15 Award Ceremony
James E. Bailey Award
Poster Awards

International Metabolic Engineering Award Lecture: Next Generation Industrial Biotechnology based on Synthetic Biology of Halomonas spp.
George Guo-Qiang Chen, 
Tsinghua University

17:45 - 18:30 Transit to Banquet


Conference Banquet
Flower Field Hall, Gardens by the Bay


Flower Dome Visit

June 15, 2023 (Thu)

7:30-9:00 Registration and Badge Pick-Up


Networking & Coffee


Session 11: Biofoundries: Automation in Metabolic Engineering
Session Chairs: Eriko Takano, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology & Pengfei Xia, Shandong University


Recent Advances in Biofoundry Development
Huimin Zhao, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

9:20 Enabling Exquisite Control in Cell-Free Biomanufacturing with Orthogonal Redox Cofactors
Han Li, University of California-Irvine
9:30 Design to Learn, Learn to Design: The Dual Challenge of Automated Strain Engineering
Lars Nielsen, Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland
9:40 Automating Adaptive Laboratory Evolution to Generate a Full Technology Platform
Adam Feist, University of California, San Diego
9:50 Engineering Oleaginous Yeast for Novel Food Ingredients
Maciej Holowko, Nourish Ingredients
10:00 Panel Discussion




Session 12: Metabolic Engineering for Biomanufacturing: From Lab to Industry
Session Chairs: Wataru Mizunashi, NEDO & Hal Alper, The University of Texas at Austin

11:05 Microbial Production and Downstream Conversion of Building Block Chemicals for Consumer and Industrial Products in a Fully Vertically Integrated Company
Rebecca Lennen, Lygos, Inc.
11:15 Performing in Spite of Stress: How to Engineer a Robust E. coli Chassis for Large Scale Application
Ralf Takors, Institute of Biochemical Engineering, University of Stuttgart
11:25 Data-Driven Design and Development of Commercial and Scalable Cell Factories
Harish Nagarajan, Genomatica, Inc
11:35 Crossing the Valley of Death to Commercialization:  Manus' Journey by Christine Santos, Manus Bio
11:45 Metabolic Engineering: Made to Scale
Kelly Smith, DMC Biotechnologies
11:55 Panel Discussion


Closing Remarks