2022 NDEW-ChE FAQs

General Questions
Is it safe to attend in person?
With the ever-changing landscape around COVID-19, AIChE is working with the venues to adhere to all of the local and national directives for social distancing and sanitizing protocols. Please review the COVID-19 Guidelines below in the FAQ for more detailed information.
Your safety is our primary concern, and we will keep you updated on any changes that may occur.
I am traveling to the United States from another country. Where can I learn about COVID-19 travel policies and procedures?
On October 15, The White House announced that vaccines will be required for international travelers coming into the United States, with an effective date of November 8, 2021. For purposes of entry into the United States, vaccines accepted will include FDA approved or authorized and WHO Emergency Use Listing vaccines:
Janssen (J&J)
Please consult your country's specific policies and procedures regarding international travel. Information on testing procedures for travelers entering the U.S. may be found on the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website.
Additional information can be found in the COVID-19 Guidelines section below.
When will registration open?
Online registration is now open. Learn more and register for the conference here.
What are the registration rates?
Registration rates are set and available on the registration page. If you choose to attend in-person for part of the event or not at all, you will have access to the virtual components as well.
If I register and can no longer attend, what will happen with my registration?
The full cancellation policy can be found here.
When will I be able to book my hotel room?
AIChE has negotiated exclusive rates. You can reserve your rooms as part of registration here.
Vaccination/Negative COVID Test Attestation & Proof
AIChE requests that all 2022 NDEW attendees to attest that they will be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 fourteen days prior to the in-person meeting OR have negative COVID-19 test results within 72 hours of arrival. Please be prepared to provide proof when you go pick up your badge.
Why is AIChE asking for attestation of vaccination or a negative test result?
AIChE is asking our all attendees, to make this attestation during the registration process in order to provide an additional layer of safety for all those who will attend the meeting in Arlington, VA.
Is AIChE collecting proof of vaccine or proof of negative COVID test?
Yes. AIChE will be conducting checks at registration. Please be prepared to provide proof when you go to pick up your badge.
What proof will be accepted?
- Physical evidence of your vaccination status (e.g. CDC card or international equivalent)
- Photo evidence of your vaccination (e.g. photo of CDC card or international equivalent)
- Negative COVID-19 test taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to arriving at the venue. This can be any of the following:
- Viral: nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and antigen tests
- Antibody: antibody or serology tests
What vaccines are accepted?
All COVID vaccines that are administered domestically and internationally.
What types of COVID tests are accepted?
- Negative COVID-19 test taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to arriving at the venue. This can be any of the following:
- Viral: nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) and antigen tests
- Antibody: antibody or serology tests
What if I have already had COVID?
Please obtain a negative COVID test, antibody or serology test 72 hours prior to arrival.
What if I am unable to be vaccinated?
Please obtain a negative COVID test, antibody or serology test 72 hours prior to arrival.
COVID-19 Guidelines
Meeting Health & Safety Guidelines
AIChE’s current mask guidelines are as follows:
Masks are required to be worn for all persons attending the 2022 NDEW. Face coverings may be removed when actively eating, drinking or giving a presentation during a meeting session.
Stay tuned to potential updates to our policies which are based on CDC guidelines; Current CDC guidance can be found here. (Arlington, VA Guideline CDC) and any updates from AIChE will be posted as we approach the meeting.
- AIChE is requesting that all 2022 AIChE NDEW attendees attest to the fact they will be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 fourteen days prior to the in-person meeting or they have received a negative COVID-19 test result within 72 hours of arrival.
- All AIChE staff, contractors, and suppliers are also required to be either fully vaccinated or show proof of a negative COVID-19 vaccine.
- In addition to the attestation of vaccination or negative test results, we will be conducting checks of vaccination proof or negative COVID-19 tests taken no earlier than 72 hours prior to arrival. We ask that you have your proof ready when you come to pick up your badge. For a full list of what’s accepted, please consult the FAQs above.
- Food Safety - AIChE is redefining how food is served at Meeting events in order to minimize exposure and contact
- AIChE will continue to monitor health and safety requirements in accordance with CDC guidelines, Should any of these guidelines change prior to the start of the event, attendees will be notified and will be expected to adhere to the requirements in place at the time of the event.