NGCS12 Plenary Speakers

We are pleased to announce the following Plenary Speakers for the 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium.
- Dr. Enrique Iglesia, Theodore Vermeulen Chair in Chemical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley and Faculty Senior Scientist, E.O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- (read more about his plenary here)
- Dr. Vijay Swarup, Vice President of Research and Development, ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company
- (read more about his plenary here)
- Dr. Sandeep Dhingra, Senior Fellow, Dow
- (read more about his plenary here)
The Symposium will also feature a special plenary lecture on Thursday, June 6 from the recipient of the Award for Excellence in Natural Gas Conversion.
2019 Award for Excellence in Natural Gas Conversion
The NGCB is pleased to announce that the recipient of the 2019 Award for Excellence in Natural Gas Conversion is Dr. Unni Olsbye, Professor, University of Oslo.
The Award is presented every three years during the Natural Gas Conversion Symposium to recognize enduring and significant contributions to science and technology for conversion of natural gas to valuable products. The previous award recipients are Xinhe Bao (2016), Krijn de Jong (2013), Anders Holmen (2010), David Trimm (2007), Enrique Iglesia (2004), Lanny Schmidt (2001), Jens Rostrup-Nielsen (1998), and Jack Lunsford (1993). As one of the leading scientists in the field of catalysis and gas conversion, Professor Olsbye will deliver a plenary lecture and will be presented with the Award at 12th Natural Gas Conversion Symposium in San Antonio, USA.
Professor Unni Olsbye has covered a remarkably large number of research topics relevant to natural gas conversion: oxidative coupling of methane, production of synthesis gas, light alkane dehydrogenation, oxy-chlorination, conversion of methyl halides, direct conversion of methane to methanol, and methanol to olefins. Her research has lasting influence on all of these topics with special emphasis on methanol to olefins (MTO). Her detailed and deep research on the role of confinement effects in zeolites for MTO has led to both new mechanistic insights and new product slates. She has published more than 160 papers which are highly cited and influential.
Professor Olsbye has been a leader in research programs on natural gas conversion related research. She acts as board member of international scientific organizations and conferences and is Associate Editor of ACS Catalysis. Professor Olsbye is omnipresent at major catalysis and related conferences, an excellent lecturer and teacher and a strong ambassador for the field of natural gas conversion.