Robots and automatization in clean room bioprocessing : the solution towards GMP Annex 1 securing bioproducts quality and increasing productivity and sustainability | AIChE

Robots and automatization in clean room bioprocessing : the solution towards GMP Annex 1 securing bioproducts quality and increasing productivity and sustainability


de Malliard, H. - Presenter, MGA Technologies
R&D in biotechnologies for all medical applications and bioprocessing, new advanced therapy medicinal products are proposing candidate innovative products with jeopardized future industrial production potential. This uncertainty leads to high financial risk in building industrial facilities at early stage of clinical trials and high costs for these new medicines. Hence the development of flexible and evolutive facilities capable of bioproduction for multiprocess and multiproducts is more than ever necessary. This session is technological driven, gathering technical bricks already available and foreseeing those easy to develop to achieve the vision of the facility of the futur fully automatized, robotized and digitalized.

Keywords: robotics, mechatronics, single-use bioprocessing, mechatronic sterile welders and sealers, MTP standards, 5G, augmented operators, AI, ML, digital twins, modular evolutive flexible multiproducts and multiprocess facilities, facility of the future


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