Advancing a Water Circular Economy: Key to Sustainable Process Development | AIChE

Advancing a Water Circular Economy: Key to Sustainable Process Development


Young, T. - Presenter, Dow Water & Process Solution
Designing processes for a circular economy is the next intersection of innovation for the future to bring together technology, sustainability, and new business model system approaches.  With the world population estimated to reach 8.3 billion by 2030, global demand for water is expected to increase by 30 percent, energy by 45 percent and food by 50 percent, according to the United Nations.  Maximizing efficient water use is a critical step for society and the bottom line for industry growth.  Nearly a quarter of the 830 companies surveyed by the Carbon Disclosure Project said that water-related issues could limit the growth of their business with conversations around water challenges increasingly becoming a boardroom topic in planning for the future. As engineers, we play a key role in bringing science to the fore-front to ensure the flow of water is enough for society and industry.  Science, together with strong water stewardship programs, breakthrough advances in separation and purification technology, and closing the loop to enable efficient water and energy use will all play a key role in meeting the demand and quality challenges of the future.


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