Efficient Biocatalytic Processes Developed for Chiral and Functional Intermediates Production | AIChE

Efficient Biocatalytic Processes Developed for Chiral and Functional Intermediates Production


Synthesis of chiral and functional alcohols by using enzymatic hydration (hydratases) or oxyfunctionalization (cytochrome P450) technology have attracted significant academic as well as industrial interest in the past years. Next to the availability of enzymes with sufficiently broad substrate scope and high activity, efficient reaction concepts are required for the successful application of these catalysts in biocatalytic processes. In this presentation we will highlight report on the generation of cytochrome P450 and hydratase platforms as well as exemplify the developments of successful process strategies and scale-up of both reactions types up to kg scale.

Development of P450 platform technology enabled sustainable production of an oxygenated intermediate, on a kilogram scale. Application has resulted in unprecedented product concentration of 10 g/L and space–time-yield of 1.5 g/L/h. In addition, exemplarily hydratase technology was implemented at ton scale and delivered the hydrated product with a space time yield of more than 7 g/L/h.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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