XRCC Plant Tour

Excited to get this year's PDS started right? Looking for something to do before the Welcome Reception kicks off on Tuesday?
This year, we are happy to announce that attendees will now have an opportunity to participate in a Tour of the Xerox Research Centre of Canada Plant Facilities!
During the tour, attendees will be shown XRCC’s research labs and kilo labs, pilot plant, and the Xerox Supplies Development Centre (SDC), a manufacturing facility that is co-located onsite. XRCC's facilities include 10,000 square feet of bench scale engineering laboratories and a 24,000 square-foot pilot plant, a flexible and modular design capable of supporting a variety of chemistries and processes.
What: Tour of Xerox Research Centre of Canada Facilities
Cost: $30 USD
Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Time: 1:00pm - approx. 4:00pm
Note: Tour Participants should check in no later than 12:45pm. Buses will depart from the Hyatt Regency Toronto promptly at 1:00pm.
Advance registration is required and all participants must sign-in on the day of the tour. Transportation will be provided.
Space is limited and registration is on a first come, first served basis.
Registration is available as part of the Symposium registration. Register Now
Those who have previously registered should contact customerservice@aiche.org to have the event added to their registration.