The Practice of Simulation in Process Engineering and Optimization | AIChE

The Practice of Simulation in Process Engineering and Optimization


Sequential modular and equation-based simulation technologies are used widely nowadays. Both of these technologies play significant roles in steady state and dynamic simulation. Process simulation software has evolved in the last 20+ years. It is certainly easier to develop for example a distillation column model that matches process data fairly closely today. Advances in computing hardware and industrial standards have certainly transformed how simulation work is done. Process simulation enables many engineers around the world analyze and solve many engineering problems that they encounter. In addition, engineers use process simulation to evaluate new ideas in improving a process design or running a process unit. The process model used in simulation work must meet requirements defined for the intended application. Steady state and dynamic simulation application examples will be shared to illustrate important advances in simulation technology that make these applications possible.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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