Successful Scale-Up and Commercialization of a Breakthrough Solid Acid Alkylation Technology: The AlkyClean® Process | AIChE

Successful Scale-Up and Commercialization of a Breakthrough Solid Acid Alkylation Technology: The AlkyClean® Process


AlkyClean® gasoline alkylation technology is an advanced solid catalyst alkylation process for the production of motor gasoline alkylate. The novelty and success of the AlkyClean technology is the ability for refiners to completely eliminate the use of liquid acids, and their associated hazards and operational complexity, for the manufacture of gasoline alkylate.  AlkyClean technology produces an alkylate product whose quality is at least on par with currently available conventional technologies employing liquid acids, while being economically attractive for the refiner to operate. These innovative breakthroughs are attributable to both the catalyst formulation, and the process, which makes it possible to fully recover catalyst activity and enable the unit to operate five (5)+ years without a catalyst change out. AlkyClean process is the world’s first and only proven solid catalyst alkylation technology to be commercialized and to be successfully scaled-up. AlkyClean process provides a unique opportunity for refiners to replace liquid acid technologies with a safer and more environmentally friendly solid catalyst technology.


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